As the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer♋️​, we mark another significant turn of “The Wheel of The Year” to the Summer Solstice🌞, the longest day of the year, and the official start of the Summer Season.

Cancer season brings with it the nurturing energy of the archetypal Nurturer inviting us to embrace intuition, sensitivity, and emotional intelligence in our business and career paths. As we step into the bloom of summer and Q3, it's time to harness this potent energy to nourish our professional ventures and lead with a heart-centered approach.

It's time to embrace the long days, the summer heat and our sense of comfort over the next 30 days. Your most sensitive feelings could come to the surface during Cancer season, so write them down in a journal or whisper them to a close friend who will listen. This is the time when creativity peaks. Bring forth your inner poet and artist.

We get the blessing of two full moons this Zodiac Season in the sign of Capricorn♑️​, the first of of which occurs on Friday, June 21st basking in the afterglow of the solstice signature and marking the start of the Summer of Success! 🌕​

Do you recall your New Year's resolutions? Well, it's time to review for the "midterm." Arriving to assess our progress and assist with course correction is the first of a rare double-header of Capricorn Full Moons. The second one will let us wrap up the season with a good look back for final editing on July 21st, which is one month from now.


In this blog and the above video, we will explore how the intuitive, sensitive, and protective qualities of Cancer can be embodied in leadership and business. We will delve into the significance of the Summer Solstice and offer practical tips for female entrepreneurs and professionals to work with these energies.

Let's dive in and discover how we can shine by tapping into our summertime in bloom energy, enjoying the fruits of our goals, and embodying our intentions with intuitive actions.

Cancer, The Nurturer 🌊💫 Archetype

Cancer, The Nurturer

The role of the Nurturer is exemplified by the sign of Cancer, which is governed by the Moon. There is a strong connection between this water sign and the home, as well as feelings and intuition.

The nurturer is someone who is compassionate, protective, and empathic, and they are continually looking for ways to provide others around them with comfort and stability. When it comes to the world of business, this attitude manifests itself as a leadership style that places an emphasis on emotional intelligence, the well-being of the team, and a supportive working environment.

Embracing Cancer, The Nurturer Energy in Business

1. Lead with Empathy 🤗

   - As a female entrepreneur or professional, leading with empathy means truly understanding and valuing the emotions and perspectives of your team and clients. This approach fosters trust and loyalty, creating a strong foundation for your business relationships.


2. Create a Nurturing Environment 🌺

   - Cultivate a workplace that feels like a second home. Encourage open communication, provide support systems, and ensure that your team feels valued and heard. A nurturing environment boosts morale and productivity.

3. Harness Intuition in Decision Making 🌜

   - Trust your gut feelings and intuitive insights when making business decisions. Cancer energy enhances our ability to perceive underlying currents and subtle cues, guiding us towards choices that align with our true purpose.


4. Prioritize Work-Life Balance ⚖️

   - Cancer values the home and personal life. Ensure that you and your team have a healthy work-life balance. This not only enhances well-being but also prevents burnout and promotes long-term success.


5. Emotional Authenticity 💖

   - Be genuine in your interactions. Authenticity fosters deeper connections and creates an environment where everyone feels safe to express their true selves.


6. Focus on Long-Term Security 🏡

   - Just as Cancer seeks to create a safe and secure home, in business, focus on building a stable and sustainable foundation. Plan for the future and ensure that your business practices support long-term growth and security.


7. Cultivate Creativity and Innovation 🎨

   - Cancer's creative energy can be channeled into innovative solutions and fresh ideas. Encourage creativity within your team and be open to new and unconventional approaches.


8. Practice Self-Care and Reflection 🧘‍♀️

   - As you nurture your business, don't forget to nurture yourself. Regular self-care and reflection help you stay connected to your inner guidance and maintain your emotional and mental well-being.

Cancer Season♋️​ ​​​​​​Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be in  the same sign as the Sun☀️​,  but this will occur on the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus the 2-3  days at of the start of the season. This due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year until July 2024 with the double Capricorn Full Moons of 2024.

June 20 - Sun☀️​ enters Cancer/Summer Solstice☀️​

June 21 - Full Moon🌕​ in Capricorn♑️​

June 28 - Last Quarter Moon in Aries🌗♈️​

June 29 - Saturn Retrograde in Pisces♓️

​July 2 - Neptune Retrograde♓️​

July 2 - Mercury enters Leo♌️​

July 5 - New Moon🌑​  in Cancer♋️​

July 9 - Jupiter♊️​ sextile North Node♈️​

July 11 - Venus enters Leo♌️​

July 13 - First Quarter Moon in Libra🌓​♎️​

July 15 - Mars Conjunct Uranus in Taurus♉️​

July 20 - Mars enters Gemini♊️​

July 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn

 Major Astrological Events in Cancer Season 2024

1. Mercury in Cancer (June 17 - July 2) 🗣️🦀

   - Mercury in Cancer enhances our communication skills, making us more intuitive and empathetic in our interactions. Use this energy to strengthen relationships with clients and team members.

2. Venus in Cancer (June 17 - July 11) 💖🦀

- Venus in Cancer enhances our focus on relationships, home, and emotional connections. In business, this period is ideal for strengthening client relationships and fostering a warm, supportive work environment.

3.  Sun in Cancer (June 20 - July 22) ☀️🦀

   - The Sun's transit through Cancer emphasizes themes of home, family, and emotional well-being. This is a time to focus on nurturing our personal and professional lives.

4.  Full Moon in Capricorn (June 21) 🌕♑

   - This is the first of two Full Moons that will occur in the sign of Capricorn. They will happen a month apart giving us an opportunity to revisit the same area of life and do a deep purging, completing and releasing.  This Full Moon happens right after the Summer Solstice and really creates a powerful start to the new season. It illuminates the balance between professional ambitions and personal life. It's a time to evaluate our career goals and ensure they align with our emotional needs.

5.  Last Quarter Moon in Aries (June 28th) 🌗♈

-  This phase signals a time for taking decisive action and letting go of what's no longer serving us. The fiery energy of Aries encourages boldness and initiative, making it an ideal moment to address lingering issues, complete unfinished projects, and prepare for new beginnings with renewed confidence and clarity.

6.Saturn Retrograde (June 29th - November 15th) 🪐⏪

- During Saturn Retrograde, we are called to reassess our structures, responsibilities, and long-term goals. This period offers a powerful opportunity for reflection and reevaluation, encouraging us to address past challenges and refine our strategies. It's a time to review our commitments, ensure we are building on solid foundations, and make necessary adjustments to align with our true purpose and values in business and personal life.

7.   New Moon in Cancer (July 5) 🌑

   - A powerful time for setting intentions related to home, family, and emotional healing. In business, it's an opportunity to initiate new projects that require a nurturing and supportive approach.

8.  Venus in Leo (July 11 - August 4) 💖🦁

   - Venus in Leo brings a focus on creativity, self-expression, and joy in our relationships and business endeavors. It's a great time for networking, marketing, and enhancing our brand's visibility.

9.   Full Moon in Capricorn (July 21) 🌕♑

   - This is the second culminating Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn. This will provide the opportunity to revisit an issue, goal or project from 1 month ago and to make any adjustments before moving ahead.  This Full Moon happens right in the heels of the Sun moving into Leo so it is likely to bring out more drama as we check the final balance of our professional ambitions and personal life. Make any adjustments that don’t feel in alignment with the spirit of your goal or intention.

Harnessing The Wheel of The Year - Summer Solstice Energy In Business 🌞🌀

The Summer Solstice also known as Litha, occurs between June 20th and June 21st, marking out a significant point on the Wheel of the Year, symbolizing the zenith of solar power and the longest day of the year. This pivotal moment signifies peak growth, abundance, and the full bloom of nature's potential.


Traditionally celebrated with joyous festivities, the Solstice is a time to honor the sun's life-giving energy and reflect on our own journeys.

It invites us to celebrate our achievements, set intentions for continued growth, and harness the vibrant, expansive energies of summer to nurture both personal and professional endeavors.

This is a time of celebration, reflection, and setting intentions for the second half of the year. In business, the Solstice is a powerful moment to review our progress, celebrate achievements, and plan for future growth. Especially when applied to our career and business life.

Working with Solstice Energy in Business

1. Celebrate Achievements 🎉

   - Take time to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones and successes achieved in the first half of the year. Recognizing accomplishments boosts morale and motivates your team.

2. Reflect and Realign 🧭

   - Reflect on your goals and progress. Are you on track to achieve your objectives? Realign your strategies and set clear intentions for the upcoming months.

3. Plan for Growth 🌱

   - The Solstice is a powerful time to set new goals and plan for expansion. Identify areas of growth and create actionable plans to achieve them.

4. Infuse Creativity and Innovation 💡

   - Utilize the peak solar energy to infuse creativity and innovation into your business. Explore new ideas, products, or services that can enhance your offerings.

5. Strengthen Community Connections 🤝

   - Engage with your community and build stronger connections. Host events, collaborate with other businesses, and give back to your community.

6. Embrace Abundance Mindset 🌟

   - Adopt an abundance mindset, believing that there are enough resources and opportunities for everyone. This positive outlook attracts prosperity and success.

7. Nurture Personal Growth 🌸

   - Just as you focus on business growth, also invest in personal development. Learn new skills, seek mentorship, and prioritize self-improvement.

8. Reconnect with Nature 🌳

   - Spend time in nature to recharge and gain inspiration. Nature's rhythms can provide valuable insights and help you stay grounded.

☀️Cancer The Crab♋️​

⭐️​​4th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💦​​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I NURTURE

⭐️​Archetype: The Nurturer/Mother

Embracing the Nurturer in Business🗣​💼​

Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice offer a unique opportunity to blend intuition, sensitivity, and nurturing energy with our professional endeavors. By embracing the archetypal energy of Cancer, we can lead with empathy, creativity, and emotional intelligence, fostering a supportive and innovative work environment. The Summer Solstice invites us to celebrate our achievements, reflect on our progress, and set intentions for future growth.


As we move through this season, let us tap into our summer-time in bloom energy, enjoy the fruits of our goals set in winter and spring, and embody our intentions with intuitive actions. By aligning with the natural rhythms of the Wheel of the Year, we can harness the powerful energies of Cancer and the Solstice to nurture our businesses and ourselves, leading to a prosperous and fulfilling journey ahead. 🌿🌞🦀

Blessed Be

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