As the colorful and dynamic Gemini season draws to a conclusion, we are given with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to capitalize on the tremendous energy that it possesses in order to further our business undertakings. A time to take decisive action, the First Quarter Moon in Virgo will be in Virgo on June 14, 2024 at 1:18 AM ET, which will further intensify this period.

We are at the midway point of the Yang/Masculine energy portion of the Lunar Cycle, and that means it time to take action. This week is highly toned by the planet Mercury and the Mutable/Maven energy signatures. This means we need to get into being a truly flexible and adaptable fixture in our personal and business lives.

In the blog and above video, we will discuss the ways in which you can make use of masculine energy tools in order to effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, and spiritual messages. We will delve into the notions of Mercury Cazimi and the significant impact of a dominating Mercury signature in both the Sun (Gemini) and the Moon (Virgo), which will guide us to the end of the second quarter with clarity and precision.

First Quarter Moon in Virgo🌓♍️​​​Lunar Wisdom Formula

We determine what to carry over from the new moon during the first quarter moon. First quarter phases define. After the June 6 Gemini New Moon, this midpoint lunar phase begins in the sign of Virgo🌓♍️ at 1:18AM ET. The square between the Sun and Moon ensures a natural breakpoint. This is about health and wellness.
Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini. Double Mercury energy suggests a hectic day. Everyone is restless and ready to break free at the conclusion of the school year and on the verge of summer.

Gemini and Virgo fusing requires attention to body, mind, and body-mind connection. Gemini's quarter moon aligns thoughts/intentions with Virgo's daily realities. This takes guts, especially in a painful situation.Its the dance of the Sacred Messenger and the Grounded Healer archetypes taking over.

We're trying to let go, but it's not easy because we're always dreaming and waking.

Squares like this indicate conflict. Gemini wants to change everything, whereas Virgo wants routine. Mercurial moon phases urge us to move to release energy before making big decisions. This initial step matters. It is Gemini-Virgo's strongest tonic, promoting healthy detachment.

The illusion of time is faster than ever. Fast-paced change. We don't need to change or speed up the procedure. Simply be aware and listen to body and mind.

Note that this moon phase makes a close square to the sun and Mercury in Gemini. This indicates mental and physical stress.

The Lunar Wisdom Formula
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Remember that First Quarter Moon is the phase that marks 50% illumination and the midway point to full light. The energy of this moon phase indicates taking action.

Since First Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, we need the energy to fully orient ourselves during the 24-hour period. Lunar cycles are 28-29 days in total.

Virgo, The Grounded Healer

First Quarter moons are always the midpoint of the Yang or masculine phase (waxing  🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕) of the lunar cycle, so you will feel your energy growing in strength from last week

The masculine/yang phase is when taking action really pays off in a big way. Especially after the clarity that has developed about your intention since the New Moon.

Make sure to take some time to feel into the energy of any endings as we will have a few of them occurring this week.

Make use of this is the active point of the Lunar Wisdom Formula where we set the tone and put things in motion that become self-perpetuating once the Full Moon arrives.

What to do this week:
🌙 Feel into your New Moon beginnings so you become comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for working with these new beginnings
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.

🌙​June Lunar Wisdom♊️​♋️​

Communication • Mental Processes • Expansion & Summertime 

🌑June 6 - New Moon in Gemini♊️​ 

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams

🌓June 14 - First Quarter in Virgo♍️​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit

🌕June 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn♑️​​ 

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment 

🌗June 28 - Last Quarter in Aries♈️​​ 

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care for the rest of Gemini Season,  leading us up to Summer’s door and helping us tap into Jupiter’s recent transit into Gemini and the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn balancing out the double Aries New Moons of 2023. 


Gemini Season♊️​: Embracing Intellectual Curiosity and Communication

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is an air sign known for its intellectual curiosity, communicative prowess, and social orientation. It embodies the dualistic nature of life, encouraging us to explore different perspectives and embrace new learning experiences. As female entrepreneurs and business executives, tapping into Gemini's energy can help us refine our communication strategies, foster innovation, and build strong, supportive networks.

 Key Traits of Gemini:

  • Intellectual Curiosity: Gemini thrives on new information and learning opportunities. This is the time to delve into new subjects, attend workshops, or read extensively to expand your knowledge base.

  • Communicative Prowess: Known as the messenger of the zodiac, Gemini excels in sharing ideas and engaging in meaningful conversations. Utilize this energy to articulate your vision and connect with your audience.

  • Social Orientation: Gemini's sociable nature encourages networking and collaboration. Reach out to peers, mentors, and potential partners to build a supportive business community.

  • Dualistic Nature: Embrace the flexibility to see things from different angles, allowing for innovative solutions and adaptable strategies.

☯️​Harnessing Yang/Masculine Energy Tools for Business Success

Masculine energy in business is about structure, action, and forward momentum. It aligns with the qualities of decisiveness, assertiveness, and strategic planning. As we navigate the end of Gemini season and the First Quarter Moon in Virgo, leveraging masculine energy tools can help us articulate our ideas clearly and execute our plans effectively.

 Key Masculine Energy Traits:

  • Decisiveness: Make clear and confident decisions to drive your business forward.

  • Assertiveness: Communicate your ideas and vision with authority and conviction.

  • Strategic Planning: Develop detailed plans and frameworks to achieve your business goals.

  • Action-Oriented: Focus on taking concrete steps to turn your ideas into reality.


🌞 Mercury Cazimi: A Powerful Boost to Communication

A Cazimi occurs when a planet is in close conjunction with the Sun, within 17 minutes of arc, bestowing the planet with enhanced strength and clarity. On June 14th, 2024, Mercury will be Cazimi, creating a dominant Mercury signature in the Sun (Gemini) and the Moon (Virgo). This alignment significantly impacts our communication and mental processes, bridging the air and earth elements to facilitate clear, grounded, and impactful communication.

 Key Aspects of Mercury Cazimi:

  • ·Enhanced Communication: Mercury Cazimi amplifies our ability to articulate thoughts and convey messages with clarity.

  • Mental Clarity: Experience heightened focus and intellectual acuity, allowing for precise decision-making.

  • Integration of Air and Earth Elements: Combine the intellectual agility of Gemini with the practical groundedness of Virgo for balanced and effective communication.

  • Empowerment in Messaging: Use this energy to deliver your sacred messages with confidence and impact


 🛠️ Structural Business Tools Aligned with Masculine Energy

To close out Q2 initiatives and campaigns, we need tools that support structured communication, learning, and execution. Here are four masculine energy business structures and support tools that align with the intellectual and grounded energies of Gemini and Virgo:


 1. 📊 Project Management Software 📊

Project management software like Asana, Trello, or provides the structure needed to organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. These tools help ensure that your team stays aligned and focused on key objectives.



  • Task Organization: Break down projects into manageable tasks and assign responsibilities.

  • Deadline Management: Set clear deadlines to maintain momentum and ensure timely completion.

  • Progress Tracking: Monitor progress and adjust plans as needed for optimal results.

  • Collaboration: Facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members.

 2. 📅 Calendar and Scheduling Tools 📅

Effective time management is crucial for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines. Tools like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or Calendly help you schedule meetings, set reminders, and allocate time for focused work.


  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks to maximize productivity.

  • Meeting Scheduling: Schedule meetings efficiently to avoid conflicts and ensure availability.

  • Reminders: Set reminders for important deadlines and follow-ups.

  • Integration: Sync with other tools and devices for seamless time management.


 3. 💡 Learning Management Systems (LMS) 💡

Investing in continuous learning is essential for staying ahead in business. LMS platforms like Udemy for Business, Coursera for Business, or LinkedIn Learning provide access to a wealth of educational resources and training programs.


  • Access to Knowledge: Explore a wide range of courses and learning materials to enhance your skills.

  • Employee Development: Offer training programs to upskill your team and improve overall performance.

  • Progress Tracking: Monitor learning progress and achievements.

  • Customizable Learning Paths: Create tailored learning experiences to meet specific business needs.


 4. 📈 Communication and Collaboration Tools 📈

Strong communication is the backbone of any successful business. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom facilitate real-time communication, collaboration, and information sharing.


  • Real-Time Communication: Engage in instant messaging and video calls for quick decision-making.

  • File Sharing: Share documents and resources easily with your team.

  • Integration: Connect with other business tools for streamlined workflows.

  • Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment to enhance teamwork and innovation.


🌱 Strategies for Blending Gemini and Virgo Energies 🌱

To effectively communicate and disseminate your thoughts and messages during this period, consider these strategies that blend the intellectual energy of Gemini with the grounded practicality of Virgo:


 1. 🧠 Intellectual Exploration and Practical Application 🧠

Encourage intellectual exploration by delving into new topics and ideas. Combine this with practical application to ensure that your learning translates into actionable insights for your business.

  • Attend Workshops and Seminars: Gain new knowledge and perspectives.

  • Implement Learnings: Apply new insights to your business strategies and processes.


 2. 🗣️ Clear and Concise Communication 🗣️

Harness Gemini's communicative prowess and Virgo's attention to detail to deliver clear and concise messages. Ensure that your communication is both engaging and informative.

  • Craft Compelling Messages: Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience.

  • Focus on Clarity: Avoid jargon and ensure that your messages are easy to understand.


 3. 📚 Continuous Learning and Improvement 📚

Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Regularly evaluate your business practices and seek ways to optimize and enhance them.

  • Conduct Regular Reviews: Assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments.

  • Seek Feedback: Gather feedback from clients, employees, and peers to identify areas for improvement.


 4. 🤝 Building Supportive Networks 🤝

Leverage Gemini's social orientation to build strong, supportive networks. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and seek mentorship to enhance your business growth.

  • Network Actively: Attend industry events, join professional groups, and connect with peers.

  • Find Mentors: Seek guidance from experienced professionals to gain valuable insights and advice.

 Embrace the Power of Gemini Season 🌟

As we navigate the end of Gemini season and the First Quarter Moon in Virgo, we are presented with a powerful opportunity to harness the intellectual, communicative, and practical energies of these signs. By utilizing masculine energy tools and aligning our strategies with the dynamic and grounded qualities of Gemini and Virgo, we can effectively close out Q2 initiatives and set the stage for continued success.


Embrace the power of intellectual curiosity, clear communication, and practical application to propel your business forward. Leverage the insights gained from Mercury Cazimi to articulate your vision with clarity and confidence. With the right tools and strategies, you can master the art of communication and achieve business success during this transformative period.

Blessed Be

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 


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