At 5:19PM EST We will experience the First Quarter Moon in Leo  which will mark the midpoint between Spring Eclipse Season 2023. The energy shifts of the previous few weeks can all be fully integrated this week.


Many people have experienced some  extraordinary events, including proposals, divorces, life-changing realizations, new jobs, new clients, surgeries, accidents, and countless other instances that serve as the boundary between before and after.


On the other side, I’ve received lots of comments and questions from clients saying they are unsure of the theme or event for their eclipse. Not to worry. It's understandable that you might have missed it because there were so many great things going on at the same time as this preview.


Not because nothing happened, but rather because folks sometimes overlook the minute details that signal a brand-new chapter.


Taurus season is in full effect and this sign's practical magic will help you be more effective in whatever you do. Move cautiously though! From April 21 to May 14, cunning Mercury is solidly in its first full week of retrograde motion as it moves back through realistic Taurus.


Let me provide a silver lining, even though that may not sound like the best news for the birthday Bulls out there. One reason is because there is no better justification for adopting a moderate pace of life.


This week, make a conscious decision to replace burnout culture norms with thoughtful, purposeful activity. You are encouraged to treat your body as the most sacred sanctuary because Taurus is the sign of the zodiac that regulates the senses and the body.


First Quarter Moon🌓Lunar Wisdom Formula

This First Quarter Moon is in the Fixed/Mutable sign of Leo, the Lion ♌️​ and is the midway anchor point between the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries♈️​ and the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. This energy is bring a sense of heart, courage, loyalty and some drama as we check in with ourselves and how that first eclipse hit us and is now playing out.


The First quarter moon is 50% illumination and the midway point to full light. The energy of this moon phase indicates taking action. However since we are midstream of an eclipse season, the action I suggest taking is internal versus external.  Especially with the influence of Mercury Retrograde, it’s time to see how you can take an action to reposition yourself to where you want to be and what will feel best.    


First Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, and this is going to be a supercharged 24 hour period to bridge the pathway between these 2 lunar events and get oriented to make the best of what shows up for you. This isn’t a time for manifesting necessarily, but for observing and stepping into a timeline shift – of “Great Beginnings and Great Endings”. This is what Stellar Planning perspective favors most to help roll into the next eclipse ready to complete a cycle.


Lunar cycles are 28-29 days in total. And this particular lunar cycle is marked by a number of special events. We started with the second new moon of the year in Aries, coupled with a hybrid solar eclipse and we are just seven days out from the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. The lunar eclipse will be one of two eclipses this year that will close out the past eclipse cycle and Taurus and Scorpio.


This split between eclipses from the new 18-month cycle and the currently ending 18-month cycle really highlight an intersection where the timeline shift will be quite potent and for some obvious. We are still in the Yang or masculine portion (waxing phase 🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕) of the lunar cycle so you will have energy to take action. However if you're like any of the clients I work with you've been experiencing feelings of tired and wired at the same time, due to the extra energy that came from the solar eclipse.


It's going to be really important to pay attention to your body and any sensations that you are getting as we move through this eclipse portal. Those are your indicators about the changes that are happening for you in ways that you can't miss unless, you're a little rusty at speaking body.


So I want you to take my normal First Quarter Moon suggestions and apply them to thinking about any new beginnings that have emerged in your life since the New Moon solar eclipse.

What to do this week:

🌙 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.

First Quarter Moon In Leo🌓 ♌️

The First Quarter Moon in Leo♌️​ is about harnessing its fiery energy to achieve our goals. Since we’re in Eclipse Season let’s think inner fire that spurs courageous actions and new starts.


Leo is a zodiac sign ruled by the Sun, representing creativity, self-expression, and leadership. With the First Quarter Moon falling in Leo, we can expect a burst of energy and enthusiasm to drive our pursuits.


Here are some tips on how to make the most of this potent lunar phase. You will need to think about the area of your chart ruled by Leo and any of the new beginnings that have emerged in the last 7 days:


Identify your goals: The First Quarter Moon is an excellent time to set intentions and establish clear objectives for the coming weeks. Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve and create a plan of action. Make sure your goals align with your passions and values, as this will help you stay motivated and focused.


Embrace your creativity: Leo is a sign that values creativity and self-expression. Use this lunar phase to explore new ways of expressing yourself and tap into your creative energy. This could mean starting a new hobby, taking an art class, or simply allowing yourself to daydream and brainstorm new ideas.


Take bold action: The First Quarter Moon is all about taking action and moving forward. Don't be afraid to take risks and step outside your comfort zone. With the fiery energy of Leo behind you, you can overcome obstacles and make significant progress towards your goals.


Cultivate leadership skills: Leo is known for its leadership qualities, and the First Quarter Moon is an excellent time to develop these skills. Whether you're leading a team at work or taking charge of a personal project, focus on being decisive, confident, and inspiring. Lead by example and inspire others to follow your lead.


Practice self-care: With all this action and momentum, it's essential to take care of yourself. Make sure you're getting enough rest, eating well, and taking breaks when you need them. Self-care practices like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature can help you stay grounded and centered.


🌱 May Lunar Wisdom🌸

Building • Security • Full Bloom & New Beginnings


🌑April 19/20 - New Moon Hybrid Solar in Aries♈️/Taurus♉️

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams


🌓April 27 - First Quarter in Leo♌️

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit


🌕May 5 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio♏️

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment


🌗May 12 - Last Quarter in Aquarius♒️

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care during the start of Spring Eclipse Season being kicked off by the 2nd Aries♈️ New Moon of the year at the Critical Degree. Use this cycle to become an observer of what things start and end with the Scorpio♏️ Flower🌸 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which helps us close out the last 18 month eclipse cycle while welcoming the new one.

Let’s take a look at what the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Deck has to say about the energy of this First Quarter Moon.

Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House Publishing

Be Humble

Tension is in the air. You know that you can achieve your goals, which is half the battle, but this card suggests you need to be less show and more substance as you move slowly towards your goals.  

Don’t try to impress anyone with money.

Avoid allowing your ego to overwhelm you. Don’t opt for something merely because you think it’ll impress others.

Practise grounding. In a financial situation, slow your spending. In love, if you’re being stubborn or possessive, now is the time to stop.

Manifesting Mix

This card holds a lot of power – you just need to challenge the heated energies in a wise way.

Manifesting Mindset

 Identify and clear any blocks. Step up to receive all the goodies that life has to offer you. You have to want it.

Tune into your manifesting powers

Your Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is located a little below your navel and is bright orange in colour. This is the centre of your sexual energy and it helps you to connect with the people around you and to express your creativity.

Hold this card to your Sacral chakra and visualize yourself in a column of orange light from the highest source. Allow yourself to bathe in it. Call in the energies with these words:

“Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Leo, thank you for reminding me to shine while staying humble!”

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Leo, on a Sunday (the Sun’s day) or during the Sun’s hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Leo takes place when the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Leo. It knows that being strong doesn’t mean being stubborn.


The Midpoint of Spring Eclipse Season: Prepare for the Timeline Shift ⏳​ 

A timeline shift between two eclipses can be a powerful and transformative time, as the energetic portal created by the eclipses allows for significant shifts in our lives.

To prepare for this time, it's important to cultivate a sense of awareness and openness to change. One way to do this is through meditation or other mindfulness practices, which can help you tune into your inner guidance and connect with the energy of the eclipses.

You may also want to engage in journaling or other reflective practices, which can help you identify areas of your life that are ready for transformation and clarify your intentions for the timeline shift.

Another important step in preparing for a timeline shift between eclipses is to create a supportive environment for yourself.

This may involve clearing physical clutter from your home or workspace, setting healthy boundaries with others, and cultivating a nourishing self-care routine.

You may also want to seek out the support of a trusted therapist, coach, or spiritual advisor who can help guide you through this process and provide insights and tools for navigating the shifts that may occur.

Finally, it's important to remember that the timeline shift between eclipses is a time of great potential, but it can also be challenging. It's important to be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate any changes or shifts that occur, and to remember that growth and transformation are often messy and nonlinear.

By staying grounded in your intentions, remaining open to the guidance of the universe, and cultivating a sense of trust in yourself and the process, you can navigate this powerful time with grace and ease.

In conclusion, the First Quarter Moon in Leo♌️​ is a powerful time to tap into your creativity, leadership skills, and take bold action towards your goals. By setting clear intentions, embracing your passions, and cultivating a strong sense of self, you can harness the fiery energy of this lunar phase to achieve great things in between these two powerful eclipses. Remember to take care of yourself along the way and enjoy the journey!

Blessed Be💙​✨​

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 

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