The Sun enters Taurus♉️​ on April 20 at 4:13 AM EST, following a Solar Eclipse, and with anything other than a slow and soft start is expected. Following its entrance into the sign of “The Builder” it instantly squares Pluto in Aquarius.


This will carry the eclipse energy into Taurus and maybe connect the themes of the previous year's eclipses with those of the ones that will come in Aries. Quite similar to an episode of your favorite program that introduces the new spinoff's storyline.


The world enters a persistent state of stubbornness later in the day, when Mercury, the planet of communication, technology, and travel, starts Retrograde Season 2023 with its backward stationing.


Needless to say this is a busy start to the Bulls birthdays that will set up a sense of stubbornness that lasts for the majority of the season. It might resemble revving the engine to the maximum setting (wheee...Aries!) and then slamming the brakes when you realize you've passed your exit.


The rest of this blog post & video will focus on how to do Stellar Planning for Taurus Season hosting Spring Eclipse and the start of Retrograde Season.

Welcome to Taurus Season♉️​​ 2023!

Taurus is the 2nd sign in astrology, associated with the material world, including our possessions, finances, and self-worth. Taurus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house, which means that it is intimately connected to these themes.

Taurus individuals are often known for their love of luxury, comfort, and material possessions during the 2nd house phase of their lives. They may feel especially focused on building wealth and acquiring beautiful objects.

The 2nd house is also connected to our sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Taurus individuals may derive a sense of pride and satisfaction from their possessions and financial status and may feel a need to maintain a certain standard of living to feel secure and valued.  

However, this focus on material possessions can also lead to a sense of attachment and possessiveness, which may need to be balanced with a deeper sense of self-worth and inner security.

Overall, Taurus' connection to the 2nd house highlights the importance of finding balance between our material desires and our deeper values and sense of self.

While possessions and financial security can bring us pleasure and comfort, they are ultimately temporary and fleeting. During the 2nd house phase of our lives, it is important to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and inner security, so that we can find lasting happiness and fulfillment in our lives.

Taurus Season 2023 guarantees to bring us changes in our understanding of money, currency, finances and security. Due to mercury being retrograde for three out of four of the weeks of this season, and the eclipses, this is a time to establish inner values for navigating the outer world.

Knowing More about ♉️Taureans?

Taurus is an Earth sign and is very feminine, attractive and receptive. People born under Taurus♉️​ can be very talented, calm, and insightful people, as long as they are not annoyed by something.

They are extremely influenced by physical appearances, which make them superficial and unrefined to some extent. However, those who are able to grow past this trait make great orators, writers, and experts in intellectual pursuits.

Taurus individuals are flamboyant. They indulge in all of the luxuries offered to them in life. At the same time, they are not hesitant to share these special items with those who are close to them.

They are well-known for living life to the fullest. Their focus is sharp and consistent, which makes it easy for them to learn new things and complete their goals efficiently.

Being an Earth sign, Taurus has all the characteristics of that element. Taurus people are dependable and peaceful. They are loyal and confident in their approach to life.

Once they learn to overcome their animal instincts, they can excel in virtually any field. Hence, Taurus people are usually quite successful in whatever they choose to do. Taurus is ruled by Venus astrologically, making those born under this sign strong-willed and adaptable.

Taurus Season♉️​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ within 2 days of the start of the season. The Full Moon🌕​ will occur 14 days after in the opposite sign activating the balancing energy.

Sun☀️ enters Taurus♉️ - April 20

Sun☀️ ♉️ squares Pluto♒️ - April 21

Mercury Retrograde♉️ Begins - April 21

Mercury♉️ sextile Mars♋️ - April 23

Sun♉️ sextile Saturn♓️ - April 25

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Leo♌️​ - April 27

Mars♋️ sextile Uranus♉️ - April 29

Pluto Retrograde begins♒️​  - May 1

Mercury Conjunct Sun♉️​ -  May 1

Full Moon🌕​ Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio♏️​ - May 5                   

Venus enters Cancer♋️​ - May  7

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Aquarius♒️​ - May 12    

Mercury Direct♉️​ - May 14        

Jupiter enters Taurus♉️​ - May 16      

Jupiter♉️​ square Pluto♒️​ - May 17

New Moon🌑​ in Taurus♉️​​ -May 19   

Mars enters Leo♌️​ - May 20      

Taurus Season♉️​​ ​​Stellar Planning Focus

Taurus season♉️​​ accounts for the 30-day period where we focus on our personal possessions, money, value and how to create it in the world.

During this time, there is a focus on stability, practicality, and enjoying the pleasures of life. Taurus is an earth sign, and its season is a time to connect with the natural world, nurture our bodies, and find joy in the simple things.

One of the key themes of Taurus season is self-care. Taurus is known for its love of comfort and beauty, and during this time, we may feel inspired to indulge in activities that promote relaxation and well-being.

This could include things like taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, or spending time in nature. Taurus season is a time to slow down, tune into our senses, and prioritize our own needs.

Another important focus of Taurus season is building stability and security in our lives. Taurus is a sign that values stability, both in its personal and professional life. During this time, we may feel motivated to focus on our finances, career goals, and long-term plans.

We may also feel inspired to build deeper connections with our loved ones and cultivate a sense of rootedness and security in our relationships. Overall, Taurus season is a time to focus on creating a solid foundation for our future, both in terms of our personal and professional lives.

Taurus is a Fixed/Authority sign that anchors Springtime energy and hosts the Cross Quarter Sabbat of Beltane or May Day, which ushers in the start of summer energy in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Bull pushes ahead to clear the path and take the ideas and energy from Aries Season and make things manifest in the physical world. This is our 2nd initiation after taking a leap of faith as the Aries Fool🃏​, to build and create things that are worth for ourselves and others.

Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time of inner building with the co-presences of both Eclipse and Retrograde Seasons which are a universal signal to turn inward to make strides. You may full of a lot of energy coming off of Aries season, so I suggest you make a list of things you can attend to internally to put that to good use.

During these next 30 days expect to see significant changes occur within the global and personal financial sectors. The square that happens with Pluto, the transformer on the very first day of this sign is a kickoff to revisiting and reinterpreting what our currency will be moving ahead.

And if you haven't already figured it out we are now shifting from paper to digital currency. And from centralized to decentralized forms a finance across the globe.

Because Taurus is a Fixed/Authority sign it is not known for taking change lightly. However I encourage you to find your sense of inner flexibility as the changes that occur over this 30 day period are mostly written in the stars. Whether our currency is seashells, paper or zeros and ones, the key to thriving is excepting our new reality and building from there.

☀️Taurus The Bull♉️

⭐️​​2nd House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🌎

⭐️​Essence: Fixed

⭐️Motto: I HAVE

⭐️​Archetype: The Builder


Taurus Season♉️​ Body Wisdom

Taurus ♉️​rules the throat and neck, providing stability and direction for the head (Aries) and our ability to pivot and see things from an angle other than straight on.

This means that individuals born under this sign need to attend to this area as a signal for Body Wisdom.

The neck and throat are crucial parts of the body that play vital roles in communication, respiration, and digestion. Taurus individuals may have a naturally melodious or soothing voice, which can help them in professions that require good communication skills, such as teaching, public speaking, or singing.

To maintain optimal health, Taurus individuals may benefit from regular throat massages, gargling with warm saltwater, and avoiding smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke.

In addition to its physical attributes, the neck and throat region is also associated with the spiritual and emotional aspects of Taurus' personality. Taurus is also known for its association with earthly pleasures, material possessions, and a strong sense of stability – tapping into our sensory awareness.  

It is said that Taurus individuals have a strong connection to their inner voice, senses and intuition, and they may be more susceptible to throat chakra imbalances, which can manifest as difficulties in expressing themselves, speaking their truth, or setting boundaries.  

So over the next 30 days we’re being asked to balance our throat chakra through practices such as meditation, chanting, or journaling, which can help us connect with their authentic selves and express their thoughts and feelings more freely during Taurus Season and the ensuing Mercury Retrograde which will impact communication.

Blessed Be

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