AT 9:36 AM EST on November 30th, 2022 we will have the First Quarter Moon in Pisces closing out the month. This moon phase is also sandwiched between two Mercury aspects with the Mars Retrograde in Gemini ♊️​ and Neptune in Pisces. In addition to the upcoming Venus and Mars opposition all within the 3 days of this lunar phase.

Mars Rx (energy) opposite Mercury (communication) on November 29th means that there will be a lot of tension in the air. So keep your head down and think carefully before you speak. Watch your words and distinguish between opinion and reality.


Two days later on December 1st , Mercury (communication) squaring (tension) Neptune (the subconscious) will create a bit of a fog and haze in our interactions. Check your emails three times before sending them, and postpone any significant discussions or negotiations today. Things are open to interpretation. Use this downtime to think about ideas or to research a subject you are interested in.


On the same day Venus (money & love) opposite Mars Rx (energy) is yet another meet up of the Cosmic Lovers in the Sky. But this time they are positioned like the North and South Poles of a magnet, a visual that defines the energy of the Opposition aspect in Astrology.


This makes for a very potent week in the Astro weather entering December and creating clear themes as we are a week away from the Cold Full Moon in Gemini ♊️​  and heading towards Mercury entering its final pre-shadow and Retrograde of 2022. This blog will help you to work with these strong energies to help you to manifest big for this final Full Moon of the year.

First Quarter Moon🌓Lunar Wisdom Formula

This is the first lunar cycle since Eclipse Season and we are now halfway to the last Full Moon of the year. So


Remember that First Quarter Moons are a special phase that only happen for 1 day, during the waxing phase of the Lunar cycle, where the moon grows to Full 🌕​.   It’s time to initiate and take inspired action!

Use the growth of the moonlight to power your intention as it heads towards full potential.

Lunar cycles are 28-29 days in total. During the first 14 days of the waxing phase 🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕​ its time to plant the seeds of your intentions and fertilize them with effort. 

Take advantage of this phase to bring dreams to life and get serious


Feel into your desires, refine your plans and then move forward certainty towards the Full Moon🌕​. Especially since I didn’t recommend any significant ritual or manifesting work around the last Lunar cycle, due to all the Eclipse energy.

What to do this week:

🌙 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.


December Lunar Wisdom ♐️ ♑️

 Spirituality/Religion Travel Career/Public Image The Father

🌑November 23 - New Moon in Sagittarius♐️

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams 

🌓November 30 - First Quarter in Pisces♓️

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit 

🌕December 7 - Full Moon in Gemini♊️

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment 

🌗December 16 -  Last Quarter in Virgo♍️

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?


Monthly Lunar Energy

December is a month that will be key to closing out the Eclipse energies ending the year with 2 planets retrograde Mars (energy) and Mercury (communication) in the signs of Gemini and Capricorn. These retrogrades will assist us in releasing energies from the most recent Taurus Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse and creating the vacuum that will allow the new beginnings emerging from the Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse.


This Mutable lunar cycle is just the right energy that we need to close out the Fall Season energy and embrace the darkest night and start of Winter 2022-23 with strong Capricorn themes of business, structure and public image. It reminds us to be flexible and to see things from multiple vantage points emotionally during this cycle.

You can also tap into the strong subconscious and psychic energy of this Pisces powered First Quarter Moon to assist our manifestation this week leading up to the Full Moon🌕​.


Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House Publishing

Honor your feelings 

Are you putting on a good front, acting like you're bright and breezy but hiding your real feelings? Rather than acting as though everything is fine, if you're worried about certain issues it's best to deal with them. Avoid getting so wrapped up in your feelings that you overwhelm yourself and everyone else involved in the situation. If you deny your feelings, you'll go nowhere fast with your manifesting. Look at the big picture and use your intuition. Avoid blowing and upset out of proportion.

Manifesting Mix

As admirable as it is to live a cheerful and happy-go-lucky life, this card suggests you need to make sure you're not ignoring your emotions.

Manifesting Mindset

You're being asked to feel all your feelings. Making light of your emotions now is not recommended. Remember, we create with our emotion.

Tune into your manifesting powers

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is located at the top of your head and it's color is a majestic Violet. This chakra connects you with Source, and helps you to find direction when you need it.

Imagine bathing in a column of radiant Violet light and just breathe. Hold this card to your crown and call its energy with this incantation:

“Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Pisces, thank you for showing me that I am Divine!” 


When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Pisces, or on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) or during Jupiter's hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Pisces takes place when the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Pisces. It knows that the Divine is in us and around us.


The Wisdom Of Water 🌊​

The power of the Moon in Pisces brings in a double influence of water. Water is the element that ties us to the spiritual and Pisces is a sign that helps us to tap into our subconscious. One of the things that you can do to aid in your manifesting process as we approach the full moon is to work with water.


Try getting a glass of water and using it as a gazing tool for meditation. Another thing you can do is to speak positive words over your water to program it prior to drinking, bathing or cooking.


Using water as an elemental color connection during this first quarter phase can help you gain clarity and insight. Water is a reflective tool that can help you see that which is normally below the surface. Since we are coming out of Scorpio shadow season, it will be best to feel your way through this, unless you plan when using it as a gazing tool.


And even if you do the best advice I can give now is to soften your gaze. This will allow you to work with the haze and fog that Pisces and Neptune energy can bring instead of against it. A soft gaze causes your other senses to fill in the blanks so you can trust your perception versus questioning your vision.   

Blessed Be💙​✨​

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 

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