On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 6:08pm the waxing crescent moon will become the First Quarter in Scorpio♏️​  giving us an intense focus on transformation, power and sexual energy. It gives a water element focus on the emotional and spiritual following the recent New Moon in Cancer.


The balanced energy of this First Quarter Moon in Scorpio♏️ assists you in determining what is appropriate to discuss and what should be kept private. People may become annoyed if you are suddenly inexplicably secretive. Especially if they cannot figure out what is going on. However, you have the right to your own business and privacy – no matter the timing.

Overthinking warning⚠️​! On Thursday, July 27, mental Mercury collides with Goddess Venus, who is currently retrograde in Leo, heightening a "do they love me or do they not?" drama. Things could become ugly if you're not careful now that Venus is retrograde! So make sure to check your thoughts during this time, because not every thought serves you and your highest good. Some are ghosts in the machine to ignore and delete!


In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio during this Venus and Neptune Retrograde and how to follow a moon in a sign through the entire lunar cycle.


First Quarter Moon🌓Lunar Wisdom Formula

This First Quarter Moon is in the Fixed/Authority sign of Scorpio♏️​, The Scorpio giving us an eagle eye for secrets, power plays and a strong sense of sexual magnetism. It’s a good counter balance to Venus Retrograde in Leo♌️​ reversing our magnetics and cooling our jets a little bit.

It also creates a positive trine or harmonizing aspect to Neptune Retrograde in fellow water sign Pisces♓️​. These two can work together to reveal mysteries and clear up any previous ambiguities now that Neptune has taken off its rose-colored glasses for a bit.

Remember that First Quarter Moon is the phase that marks 50% illumination and the midway point to full light. The energy of this moon phase indicates taking action. Since First Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, we need the energy to fully orient ourselves during the 24-hour period to what happening with our New Moon intentions, Leo Season chart activation and the current house/sign activation.

Lunar cycles are 28-29 days in total. First Quarter moons are always the midpoint of the Yang or masculine portion (waxing phase 🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕) of the lunar cycle, so you will feel energized and your best next step is to take action on that New Moon intention that’s been brewing since last week.

Make sure to take some time to feel into this new reality and the intentions that you’ve set for this New Moon. This is the active point of the Lunar Wisdom Formula where we set the tone and put things in motion that become self-perpetuating once the Full Moon arrives.

What to do this week:

🌙 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.

First Quarter Moon In Scorpio🌓 ♏️​​​

The First Quarter in Scorpio squares the fiery Leo sun squares. In all time zones, the moon rises at midday, peaks at dusk, and sets at midnight. This moon phase comes after the rejuvenating New Moon in Cancer on July 17. The first quarter phases help to clarify plans and intentions for the rest of the lunar cycle. The next stop is the Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1.


We're joyously leaping along the lion path, and suddenly we have a fascinating encounter with the cryptic scorpion. The Sun rules Leo, the center of the celestial system, and Pluto rules Scorpio, the planet farthest from the Sun. Imagine the Sun and Pluto reaching their arms out into space, interweaving in some distant asteroid belt. The core of centers extends to the outskirts.


Leo and Scorpio emphasize our emotional nature. Children are a good reflection of this. This explains why Leo is associated with both self-expression and childhood. Childhood is when we first find ourselves, our own personalities, energy, and strengths.


We must, like children, dive headfirst into the searing heat of this moon phase. We must swim in the fire and realize how exhilarating, enjoyable, and thrilling life can be.


And it is via Scorpio that we reach new emotional depths. We reclaim our sexuality, wants, and sensual shadow. Any dysfunction here is visible, but it is black and shimmers in the moonlight. What are we trying to avoid? Where are we looking after things?


The scorpion necessitates a strong commitment to oneself. That is why this quarter moon has such strong undertones of effort, thoughts of feverishly swimming in a turbulent sea, straining for a rocky ledge that is just out of reach. This is the scorpion's influence, cutting short Leo's annual summer party to cast spells and shadows on the wall.


Heat and intrigue collide in a riotous gathering, pushing forward slowly and spectacularly on massive blazing legs.


This moon phase creates a helpful trine to watery Saturn Retrograde in Pisces. It's both grounded and comforting. Productive, concentrated, and yet relaxing. Take it easy. Concentrate on the sacral chakra when you meditate.


🌙​​August Lunar Wisdom🌙

Creativity • Fun • Romance • Children

🌑July 17 - New Moon in Cancer♋️​ 

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams

🌓July 25 - First Quarter in Scorpio♏️​​​ 

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit

🌕August 1 - Full Moon in Aquarius♒️​​​ 

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment

🌗August 8 - Last Quarter in Taurus♉️​​​ 

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care as we experience the changing of signs with the Lunar Nodes, Venus Retrograde and The 8:8 Lion’s Gate Energy in the heart of Summer.  

Let’s take a look at what the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Deck has to say about the energy of this Powerful & Secretive  First Quarter Moon.

Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House Publishing


When it comes to pushing through your fears and any other negative feelings, you’re going to have to dig deeper.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, because fear blocks us. Make time to clear any toxic feelings around you.

Don’t let pride stop you from showing how dearly you want something.

It’s okay to be vulnerable, if you know the people you’re dealing with are trustworthy. Think about others (as much as yourself).

Manifesting Mix

There’s light and shade in your situation and you need to embrace it. Don’t get stuck on one idea and refuse to budge

Manifesting Mindset

Think what a mental detox would involve for you (for example, avoiding people you argue with and violence on TV, etc.). Make time for it soon.

Tune into your manifesting powers

Your Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is all about emotions and feelings. It’s located just below your navel and is bright orange in colour. Think of the way that water flows; that’s how this chakra can help your feelings to flow now.

Imagine yourself bathing in a beautiful column of warming orange light. Hold the card to your Sacral chakra and call in the energies by incanting these words:

‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, thank you for helping me to clear out energetic debris so I can fulfill my potential!’

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Scorpio, on a Tuesday (Mars’ day) or during Mars’ hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio takes place when the Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Scorpio. It knows that it’s okay to be fabulous and deep.


Working With the 8th House Moon Cycles♏️​🌙​

When the Moon is placed in the 8th house of a natal birth chart, the individual possesses a profound and intense emotional depth. People with this placement are highly perceptive and intuitive, able to sense and understand the unspoken emotions of others. They are drawn to delve into the mysteries of life and death, seeking profound emotional connections and experiences.


When working with the Lunar Wisdom Formula, the Moon in the Sign of Scorpio or The 8th house is associated with transformation, regeneration, and the hidden realms of life, and the Moon's presence here amplifies these themes.  

When tracking moon cycles, this placement bestows a tone of acute awareness of the cyclical nature of life, and as a result, they may experience intense emotional ups and downs. The Moon in Scorpio/8th house is often driven by a need for emotional transformation and growth, finding solace and healing through delving into their own inner world and exploring the depths of their psyche.


That makes the emotion tone during this 2.5-day transit, or for anyone with a Scorpio Moon or Natal Moon in the 8th house akin to a constant process of shedding old layers and embracing profound renewal. In a way that leads to a deep understanding of life's mysteries and the hidden facets of their own being.


Our most recent prominent 8th House Moons occurred on October 25, 2022 with the New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse and May 5, 2023 with the Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Both events offered a profound opportunity for inner transformation and growth.


Scorpio, as a water sign, symbolizes deep emotions, intuition, and the hidden aspects of our psyche. The New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse heralded a period of beginnings and planting seeds for the future, encouraging us to delve into our inner selves, confront our fears, and let go of old patterns that no longer serve us. This eclipse set the stage for the coming months leading to the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It also set a powerful opening and beginning for transformation.


Looking back on the May 5, 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, we entered a phase of culmination and release. This lunar eclipse brought the emotional intensity to its peak, unveiling hidden emotions and allowing us to release what we discovered during the previous New Moon.


The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates the aspects of ourselves that we may have been avoiding, urging us to confront them with courage and vulnerability. This marked a time for deep healing, profound emotional cleansing, and resolution of an 18-month cycle. This First Quarter Moon in Scorpio taps into this energy signature and helps us pick up the 8th House energy after the timeline and Lunar Node Shifts allowing us to tune into the new emotional reality.

To get the most out of this lunar phase as yourself some reflective questions about what was going on during these dates and times to get a thin of what this lunar phase holds for you and how to really work with the energy at an advanced level. 

Overall, working with the moon cycle energies in the sign of Scorpio or the 8th house offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By delving into the depths of our emotions and subconscious during the New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse and releasing and purging during the Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, we’ve taken steps to align ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe and tap into the regenerative power of the moon.

Embracing this cyclical process allows us to grow, evolve, and step into our truest selves with renewed clarity and purpose.

Blessed Be💙​✨​


To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 

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