At 9:20 PM EST on July 22nd, 2023 the Sun☀️​ moved into the fun-loving sign of Leo♌️​. Sauntering in fashionably for its annual four-week display of pure royalty👑​. This solar cycle is prime time for all things glamorous, romantic, and artistic. Does your name belong in the spotlight? Or how about a history book or a hall of fame? Imagine it, and then begin preparing your personal "brand" for that ascension.


Meanwhile, at the same moment goddess Venus begins her retrograde journey for the next six weeks in the sign of Leo as well. With the planets of love and money traveling backward until September 3, we can't wait for the approval of others to pursue what we love. Instead, our self-worth and value must originate from us!


Basically, we need to become high on the simple thrill of producing. Because, while Venus is retrograde, we can't always rely on other people to provide us with the joy we seek! Money and admiration may not be as plentiful as they once were. But that doesn't make what we enjoy doing wrong.


We may receive invites from people who are not our ideal person or ideas that are not our ideal project, and we may believe that we must do what others desire in order to be accepted... But that is SO NOT the case!


On the other hand, if you've been feeling like money has been slowing down for a time, it may start flowing again to see how you react.


This month is all about asserting your creative sovereignty and focusing on what inspires YOU the most to create! Leo, the polar opposite of Aquarius, assists us in standing in our authority and leading by example, rather than catering to the cries of the masses.


The rest of this blog will provide Stellar Wisdom for how to navigate the next 30 days as the Sun moves about it’s favorite sign of the Zodiac!

Welcome to Leo Season♌️​2023

Leo Season 2023 is expected to be a powerhouse of energy, with the celestial spotlight shining brightly on those born under the fiery sign of Leo and all creative souls alike. This period will be charged with enthusiasm, confidence, and a desire to express oneself boldly. Leos, known for their natural leadership and exuberance, will feel right at home during this season, inspiring others to embrace their unique talents and passions.


However, this Leo Season comes with an intriguing twist as Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will be in retrograde in Leo. This planetary phenomenon adds a layer of introspection to the mix, prompting us to reevaluate our relationships, artistic pursuits, and self-expression.


During this time, we may find ourselves revisiting past creative projects, rekindling old passions, or redefining our artistic identity. While this may bring some initial challenges, it also opens the door to a deeper understanding of our artistic journey and helps us tap into untapped reservoirs of creativity.


The combination of Leo's vibrant energy and Venus Retrograde in Leo encourages us to find authenticity in our creative endeavors. It's a time to dig deep and rediscover what truly sparks our creative fire. Embracing the fearless and adventurous spirit of Leo, we can boldly experiment with new artistic styles, unleash our emotions onto the canvas, and let our inner child play freely with uninhibited creativity. This period urges us to be unapologetically ourselves and to express our unique voice with unwavering self-assurance.


As the Leo Season unfolds with Venus Retrograde, the focus will be on self-love and self-expression. It's a time to let go of any creative inhibitions, reconnect with our passions, and nurture our artistic vision. While the retrograde energy may bring some challenges in relationships or artistic pursuits, it is ultimately an opportunity for growth, transformation, and a deeper connection with our creative essence.


By embracing the energy of Leo Season 2023 with Venus Retrograde in Leo, we can tap into our artistic potential, rekindle our creative spark, and emerge as more empowered and authentic creators.

The Common Traits Of A Leo🦁​

Those belonging to the Leo zodiac sign are the true kings of the world - or at least the people around them. Leos exhibit the courage, passion and leadership qualities of a lion. They are extremely sure of themselves and never second-guess their decisions. They go for what they want in life and do things on their own terms.


Although they are known to be self-obsessed and vain, they are never unaware of those around them. If a friend needs help, a Leo is sure to come to his or her aid immediately. Ruled by the element of fire, Leo gets along well with its fellow fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius. Common personality traits in Leos include confidence, positivity, determination, domination, and a free-spirited nature. Just being around a Leo can inspire you to forget your troubles and approach life with renewed vigor.


Leos don’t believe in wallowing in self-pity or regretting past decisions. They are people of action and are very decisive in nature. Those who complain or express remorse over what they have done are sure to be looked upon with contempt by the Leo. Leos are often in touch with their spiritual side and are deeply religious.


For this reason, they may come across as stubborn or outdated to more liberal-minded individuals. However, people ruled by this fire sign are sure to be at the forefront of all worldly developments in technology, industry, and design. They are powerful and usually enjoy fame and professional success.


On the flipside, the virtues of a Leo can be disastrous to his or her social life. People ruled by Leo may come across as arrogant and simple-minded. They may look down upon less successful individuals with a sense of pity, making them unpopular among others.

Leo Season♌️​​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ but this will occur at the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus 2 days of the start of the season due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year.

Sun☀️ enters Leo♌️​ - July 22

Venus Retrograde In Leo♌️ - July 22

Mercury♌️​ ​squares Uranus♉️ - July 23

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Scorpio♏️​​​ - July 25

Mercury♌️ conjunct Venus Rx♌️​​ - July 27

Mercury enters Cancer♍️​​ - July 28

Full Moon🌕​ in Aquarius♒️​​​​ - August 1        

Mars♍️​​ trine Jupiter♉️​ ​ - August 1

Mercury​♍️​ opposite Saturn♓️​ - August 1

Sun☀️♌️​ squares Jupiter♉️ - August 6

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Taurus♉️​​​​ - August 8

8:8 Lion’s Gate🦁​ - August 8

Venus♌️ squares Uranus♉️ - August 9

Mercury♍️​ squares Jupiter♉️​ - August 9

Sun☀️♌️​ conjunct Venus♌️​​ ​ - August 13

Sun☀️​♋️​ square Uranus♉️​ ​ - August 15

New Moon🌑​  in Leo♌️​​​ - August 16

Mars♍️​​ trine Uranus♉️​ ​ - August 16

Venus♌️ squares Jupiter♉️ - August 22

Mars♍️​​ opposite Neptune​​♓️ ​ - August 22

Leo Season♌️​​​ ​​Stellar Planning  Focus

Leo season​♌️​ accounts for the 30-day period where we focus on our sense of fun, romance, creativity, games of chance and children. Leo is the heart of summer season and anchors the energy with its carefree fun loving nature.

Now that we have spent time nurturing ourselves and our home base during Cancer season, It's time to enjoy the summer fruits and fruits of our labor during this next 30 day cycle.

Leo is a fire sign and also a Fixed/Authority sign, one that's always ready for the turn up but has very specific ideas around how that's going to happen. And vacuum being the center of focus is the first rule! Consider this a 30 day period to slip into the royal treatment. A time where we all need to embrace our inner king or queen.

Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time To allow yourself the opportunity to have fun (whatever that means to you) and to live a little. On the opening day of Leo season we also had Venus the planet of money and love start its retrograde motion in the sky. That adds a sense of fun being more internal than external this time around. Perhaps you want to go back to a more opulent and free time in your life and pull inspiration from that during the next six weeks.

We will end the season with Mercury going retrograde again on August 23rd, so there is a lot of focus on internal action and activity. Especially in the areas of love, money, attraction factor and all things communication. Knowing this will help you with negotiating the energy of the season and planning accordingly.  

During these next 30 days expect to see significant changes occur within in your financial well being, your social life, fun factor and a surge of inner creativity. Leo’s Fixed/Authority energy asks you to know what you want and to move with a level of certainty daily travels, communication with others and your thought processes. This season’s energy is designed to anchor us into the energy so it’s time to get clear and commit.

Leo are proud Kings and Queens and the sign that rules the sense of self and the ego, so recognize that we're all gonna have a “all about me” attitude for the next 30 days. Don't run from it embrace it as the one time of the year where you really do you to the fullest. It is your permission slip to have fun and indulge yourself. Reconnect with your creativity and hobbies -live a little! This will help you make the most of the energy ahead.

Leo The Lion♌️​

⭐️​​5th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🔥​

⭐️​Essence: Fixed/Authority

⭐️Motto: I CREATE

⭐️​Archetype: The King/Queen


Ways Tap Into Your Creative Side During Leo Season♌️​

During the vibrant and energetic Leo Season, the atmosphere is ablaze with creative potential and artistic inspiration. The sun shines bright, mirroring the bold and fearless nature of those born under the sign of Leo.

As the fiery energy surrounds us, we find ourselves drawn to explore new horizons of self-expression and embrace the courage to unleash our creativity. Leo's passionate and charismatic spirit infuses the air, igniting a spark within our souls to boldly pursue our artistic visions. It's a time of uninhibited exploration, where we are encouraged to step into the spotlight of our own creativity, radiating with confidence and the desire to share our unique gifts with the world.


1. Creative Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize your dreams coming to life. Immerse yourself in the colors, sounds, and emotions of your artistic endeavors, allowing the vivid imagery to fuel your passion.


2. Embrace Confidence-Boosting Affirmations: Recite empowering mantras daily to boost your confidence and reaffirm your creative abilities. Remind yourself that you are a creative powerhouse capable of bringing your ideas to life.


3. Bold Artistic Experiments: Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with new artistic styles and mediums. Embrace Leo's adventurous spirit and fearlessly explore uncharted territories in your creative pursuits.


4. Collaborate and Network: Connect with fellow creators and join creative communities to exchange ideas and spark inspiration. Embracing the power of teamwork can lead to exciting and unexpected artistic collaborations.


5. Set Creative Challenges: Set personal creative challenges to keep your imagination flowing. Whether it's a daily sketch, writing prompts, or a weekly project, these challenges will help establish a consistent creative practice.


6. Embrace Playfulness: Let your inner child roam free and engage in playful activities. Dancing, improvising, and playful doodling can stimulate your creativity and rekindle the joy of creating.


7. Express Emotion Through Art: Channel the intense emotions of Leo Season into your art. Whether it's poetry, music, or visual art, use your creative expression to convey your deepest feelings.


8. Celebrate Your Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your creative accomplishments during this energetic season. Take pride in your growth and progress as an artist, and let this positive energy fuel your future creative endeavors.


9. Reflect and Reevaluate: With Venus Retrograde in Leo, take the opportunity to reflect on past creative projects and relationships. Use this time for introspection, and allow it to guide you in shaping a more authentic and fulfilling artistic path.


10. Trust Your Intuition: Embrace Leo's intuitive nature and trust your creative instincts. Listen to the whispers of your heart, and let your inner voice guide you in your creative pursuits.


So over the next 30 days as Leo Season envelops us in its fiery embrace, let us seize this potent moment to tap into our creativity, express ourselves boldly, and bask in the glow of our artistic brilliance.


Blessed Be

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