At 7:30 Am this morning we had a New Moon🌑​ in Gemini♊️​! This lunation is closing out the portal opened by the Spring Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio.

It also invigorates our psyches giving us lots of mental energy, inspirational thoughts, and a strong need to nail down our arrangements in the face of the opposing dispersed and restless energy from the Retrograde season.

There's such a huge amount to zero in on, so much to manage, so much to stress over.

For some of you, the wide range of things to focus on could feel overwhelming as ideas rain down into your consciousness. 

Attempt to capture all these insights into lists or flexible timetables to help guide your progress and keep you on track until that energy stream is spent.

For other people, you might need to give your brain a reprieve. Shut down anything upsetting and just let your psyche rest.

Center around light and frivolous things and from function however much you can.

This new moon also conjuncts an asteroid called Talent, and true to its name we have great energy to focus on our natural talents and inclination and expand them.

Especially anything related to the Gemini ruled areas of composing, talking, writing, educating, daily travels, and so on.

And the added mix of Mercury retrograde might reveal some possibly uncommon abilities too.

This is accompanied by the energy of yesterday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction bringing in strong Aries initiation energy.

Mars is energy and drive, Jupiter extends, and Aries is normally controlled by Mars. It's really high energy for open doors, loads of excitement, and an inspirational perspective.

This conjunction is more physical, so perhaps attempt to keep your body dynamic to escape your head.

☀️​June Lunar Wisdom ♊️♋️

Communication • Expansion • Home

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care during the rest of Gemini ♊️​ Season and the beginning of Cancer♋️​ Season.


🌑May 30  - New Moon in Gemini♊️​

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams


🌓June 6 - First Quarter in Virgo♍️​​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit


🌕June 14 - Full Moon in Sagittarius♐️​

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment


🌗June 20 -  Last Quarter in Pisces♓️​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

The Gemini New Moon♊️​🌑​Lunar Wisdom Formula


Gemini​ New Moon ♊️🌑​ Communication

Archetype: The Messenger

3rd House Lunation - Communication/ Media/Siblings & Neighbors

Motto: I THINK 

🌑​This New Moon completes Spring Eclipse Season portal so be on the look out for the evidence of your Great Beginnings & Endings emerging.

🌑​This Moon Will Conjunct the Mercury Rx Mixing The Review With Dual Emotions

🌑​Review Your Communication Style - especially as we approach the Mercury Rx Post-Shadow

🌑​Connect with Siblings, Cousins & Extended Family

🌑Mind & Transform Your Self-Talk

🌑​Initiate Changes in Daily Routine & Transportation

🌑​Listen Intently

🌑​Explore Your Intellectual Curiosities


Here are a few questions and journal prompts to really help you set intentions to engage this Communication Gemini New Moon, “Speak it Into Existence🗣”​ 📝​:

  • What areas of life are piquing your curiosity right now?

  • Who interests you and what could you learn from them?

  • What new things do you want to begin under this Communication New Moon?

  • If I could share a message with the world that could help others think about things in a different way, what would I say and what would I share that would bring joy? 

  • Who are the types of people I would most like to spend my time learning from during this moon cycle and how can I make a greater effort to find them?

May the power of the Gemini♊️​ Sun, New Moon & Solar Eclipse imbue your thoughts and words with the power of manifestation to bring you great reach, understanding and allowing you to drop into your airy 💨​Maven energy over the next 30 days as we close out the Spring and enter Summer. ​

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle
Every month
Every year

Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.


