At 8:58 PM we will experience the Autumn Equinox for 2022. Just moments later at 9:03pm the Sun☀️​ will move into the sign of Libra♎️. Both Astrologically and astronomically it will be a powerful transition for a new zodiac season and the Autumn Equinox. 


This means that we can welcome in the season of Fall as well as experience one of the 2 Solar/Lunar midpoints of the year. The Equinox represents the midpoint between either the longest or the shortest day of the year.


Right now the Sun is waning down to her lowest light of the year in December. It’s the dimming light and growing night that let us know that Harvest season has begun. For those of us still in tune with mother nature and her seasonal twists and turns, we’ve hit the period of “Balanced Scales”, that match the Libra Season energy.


Libra is a Cardinal/Influencer sign –kicking of a season and bringing action-oriented, leadership energy. Libra is the leader of air💨​​ signs and represents the start of the journey through the 2nd half of the Zodiac. Lady Justice leads in the intellectual realms and helps us to balance our actions (fire🔥)​ and intellect (air💨) in business and romantic relationships.


We are currently experiencing a Mercury Retrograde in the signs of Libra & Virgo, bringing our balancing tendencies into attention the unfinished business in our relationships of all kinds after reaping from the Harvest Moon.


Check out my video and the rest of this blog to learn more about how to make the most of this year’s Harvest throughout the Fall Season – with its shorter days, longer nights and the grace and equity of the Libra Sun.

Libra Season♎️​Stellar Planning Focus

We now have a Stellar Planning Focus for the fall months to make the most of the growing nights at this 2nd midpoint of the year.

During Libra Season we are in the 7th 30° section or house of Zodiac Wheel or roughly a 30-Day period, known as Libra, The Judge.

We’ve made it through all the human stages of development as we journeyed from Aries (baby) to Virgo (adult) seasons. Now with all our adult sensibilities, it’s time for us to apply our adult sovereignty to the common aspects of everyday life. With Libra Season, it’s the opposition of Aries “Me” energy with “We” energy in relationships of love and business.

Libra energy reflects her ruler Venus in representing justice, love relationships, business relationships, beauty, aesthetics and grace. This is great energy to begin our foray into adulthood and all that life brings to us, which is why this stage is paired with Cardinal Influencing energy. We need to both start the new season and new journey with a strong sense of airy💨 insight and intellect.  

The focus is on attending to you closest relationships in love and business and use Venus’ power to balance and beautify them with the powerful energy of the Sun.

Create beauty for your eyes and minds to rest upon, as this really allows us to experience “Balanced Scales” in our lives and times.

☀️Libra The Scales♎️​​​

⭐️​​7th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💨​​​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I BALANCE

⭐️​Archetype: The Judge

Traits of Libra♎️

Libras are represented in the Zodiac by the Scales, the symbol of perfect balance. Because of this, one would think that Libras are balanced, even-tempered, and calm.

One would be wrong.


Yes, Libra can balance, and when she does, those moments are absolute heaven. But there is a space before the trays of the scales balance--that time when the weights are not even, when a little bit more needs to be added to one side or the other--and Libra represents that, also. This tends to make Libras a bundle of contradictions, though definitely not as much as Gemini.


Libras, as ruled by Venus, are one of the most attractive signs in the Zodiac. It's natural for Libra to be warm and friendly.


Libras will drift from one side to the other. At times, they can take over a conversation, and then just as suddenly turn into the perfect listener. Their inborn fairness makes them a perfect mediator, but after a wonderful track record at settling arguments they'll choose sides and start a fresh argument just for the fun of it.


When they're balanced, they're easygoing, diplomatic, and charming. When they're not balanced, they are just as easily gullible and resentful.


One of a Libra's favorite statements will be something similar to "...but on the other hand..."

Libra constantly searches for the real truth.  They enjoy a good debate and won't hesitate to take the other side of an argument solely for the sake of the argument.  They cannot stand the idea of unfairness or prejudice and will not hesitate to challenge someone on broad generalizations--and that's the Libra's weakness.


A Libra can be prone to indecision. Libras hate to make decisions without analyzing all of the possible results, and all of that forethought can be maddening to others, especially those born under more impulsive signs. That indecision can also lead to the Libra being influenced by others.


Most of all, Libra is a dreamer, who follows her soul wherever it might lead.

All About Autumn Equinox – MABON🍁

As of now the harvest is reaped, and  it's the light starts to dim and the darkness grows.


The Autumn Equinox on the Wheel of the Year is a period for festivity and reflection. As harvest seasons reach a conclusion, we're grateful that nature's soul can in any case be felt in the air even after the developing season closes.


The Fall Equinox is the embodiment of harvest seasons, a period of gratefulness and happiness, as well as a period of granting and despairing.


Right now is an ideal opportunity with a balanced day and night to contemplate the solidness and stream of our lives.


The Autumnal Equinox is both an astrological and astronomical event that relates with the ideas of value, balance, responsibility, genuineness, and genuine kinship.


The Autumn Equinox honors the Goddess' movement into the Underworld, like Persephone returning home to Hades to ride out the Fall and Winter Seasons.


Thus, we witness the decaying of nature's soul as winter makes her approach in the distance.


Libra and Autumn Equinox energy represent a time of releasing to balance. Remember to engage your head, body and heart as jury members in the decision to adjust to the dimming light of Fall


Below are some important factors to embrace Libra Season 2022, and get your Fall started right:

🍁​ Autumn Equinox Themes

Harvest Feasting.

Thanksgiving for the Fruits of The Earth

Secure Blessings


Harvest, Rest, Gratitude, Balance, Fruitfulness, Prosperity, Protection, Confidence, Balance, Reflection   

Herbs and Plants

Acorns, Oak, Wheat Stalks, Hazel, Corn, Cypress and Pine Cones


Stones and Crystals

Amber, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Sapphire, Citrine, Jasper, Coprolite, Cassiterite



Myrrh, Sage, Pine



Dark Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Gold, Green



Pomegranate, Pine Cones, Acorns, Apples, Corn, Gourds, Basket of Fallen Leaves

Things to Do

Clear out Clutter, Have Thanksgiving Feast, Walk in Nature, Bake Cakes


May the balanced light of the Libra♎️​ Sun☀️​ with its shortening days and longer nights🌙​ over the next 30 days bring you an awesome start to your Fall Season and the airy 💨​, heady vibes that this sign brings.

 Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


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