It’s the middle of Virgo Season♍️, where we’ve passed the Harvest Full Moon and have 6 planets in retrograde motion. These are powerful times in the sky and with Virgo♍️​ and 6th House focus on healing, health and wellness, it’s a good time for us to focus on working with the Earth element and healing crystals.

The Retrograde Season energy is pointing us to look inward and to tend to our own house before attended to others. We need to watch our tendency to be critical and perfectionistic and attempt to ground, center and orient ourselves for the path ahead.

Virgo♍️ is a Maven/Mutable sign that ushers in the energy of one season ending and another beginning. Under the slower forces of retrograde season Mutable sign energy like this can help us be flexible and to adopt the energy or position needed at the time to move forward.

It is time to embody the characteristics of Earth and Mercury so that we can use practical applications of our intellect to begin the cycle of the 2nd half of the Zodiac.  

Those brought into the world under the Sun/zodiac sign or their moon or rising sign in Virgo will feel these impact more than most.

During Earth based Zodiac seasons, we need to connect with nature, plants and the great outdoors to effectively work with all the information we can now access. Earth brings our firey action into reality so this is a time to take steps in the physical world towards your goals and dreams. Then you can lean in with the energy of the Virgo Maiden to apply analysis, discernment and improve efficiency.  

Check out the video and the blog below to see the best crystals for Virgo♍️​season, the sixth Earthy 🌱​​ sign of the Zodiac and about the last phase of the Harvest Moon 2022 to add​​​ into our tool box.

Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Virgo Season♍️ or when the Moon is in Virgo.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.

Virgo​​​♍️ Healing Crystals

Click on the underlined crystal name for more in-depth information on the crystal properties. Links for purchase are below

Snowflake Obsidian: To enhance Virgo’s intuitive and psychic abilities to the level of your analytical and practical ones. It reinforces the entire system and brings purification

Amazonite: Has the ability to bring calm energy to any physical environment and acts as a nervine. It’s blue color encourages a healthy throat chakra and expression as well as promoting love and freedom.

Moss Agate: To help Virgo tap back into nature, the Earth and self-expression in a sacred way.

🌗Last Quarter Moon in Gemini ♊️​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Today on September 17 @ 5:52 PM, is the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini♊️. It brings us the last week of the waning phase of the Pisces Harvest Full Moon. We should begin to see physical manifestations of the intentions coming into being now – if we truly released at the moon’s peak light.


I have yet to do a post on how to work with La Luna as its light grows dimmer – and this too is a part of working the Lunar Wisdom Formula.

In the waning phase of the Lunar cycle we are releasing light from a Full Moon🌕 to New Moon 🌑​, which means it is time to let go, be and reconsider! This is feminine energy at its finest – there is no more “doing” to accomplish.

When the Moon is waning, it appears to get smaller- and the energy that accompanies is pointed toward what will manifest on the physical plane. It’s a time when even your body will tell you to slow down due to the restriction of our energy. 

Think of the 14 days of the waning phase 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑 ​ as the time when you get to see your seedling intention push up through the ground and start to flower.  

Whatever you set out to manifest on the New Moon and then released on the Full Moon will be brought to your attention for review and reconsideration this week. 

The Last Quarter Moon happens 7.5 - 10 Days after the Full Moon and only lasts for 1 day. It’s a sometimes challenging phase that can have us feeling reduced energy levels which calls for having clear boundaries in place around your time.

Analyze what is going well and release the thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.

What to do for the Last Quarter🌗 phase

🌗 Get organized and re-focus on the things that are important to complete ad tie up lose ends

🌗 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

🌗 Analyze what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving

When you combine the power of the Last Quarter Moon🌓 with 6 Planets in Retrograde, we’ve been gifted with a potent recipe for going inward and focusing on all things with a “RE” prefix to make the best of the last light of the Harvest Moon.


Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards

Below is the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card for the Last Quarter Moon In Gemini♊️​ (which is the sign the Moon is in now) and amazing insights on how to use this energy to your advantage


Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House



Fretting is a sweet‑sounding word for feeling anxious.


Drawing this card suggests that you or someone close to you is fretting.


As you already know, this won’t help you to move closer to your goals as it means you’re directing thoughts and energy into what you don’t want rather than what you do want.


Deliberately manifesting a goal comes from a happy place where you feel good, so focus on making a list of your concerns and then talk them through to clear your mind.


This is far more likely to bring good results.


Manifesting mix

While racing thoughts can be problematic, getting stuck in repetitive thought patterns isn’t any good either. Find a balance here.


Manifesting mindset

Getting into a negative rut messes badly with your manifesting ability. Turn that frown upside down.


Manifesting Magic

These crystals work especially well for the sign of Gemini: Blue Calcite, Clear Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Garnet, Amethyst or Hematite.


Choose one and hold it while you meditate, visualizing a radiant yellow light swirling around you. Alternatively, keep your crystal close by as you work through your situation, or use five or six to make a crystal grid.


Your manifestation affirmation

‘Loving others flows naturally when I love and accept myself’


When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Gemini, on a Wednesday (Mercury’s day) or during Mercury’s hour.


The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini takes place when the Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is in Gemini. It knows that worry never solved anything.


To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 


My DIY ​guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle
Every month
Every year

Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.


Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


