Yasmin Boland Moonology Manifestation Deck

This Saturday’s Harvest Full Moon in Pisces is proceeded by a few important astrology events that will add to the feel of our bounty. On September 10th at 5:59 am EDT the full moon gives us the amber glow of a harvest light that will lead us into the Fall season. 


All of this is riding on the heels of a divine feminine wave of timing with 6 planets now in Retrograde motion with Mercury joining on September 9th and the feminine energy planet Venus entering into the Maiden Virgo♍️​ on September 5.


We have enhanced powers to see the internal workings of thing, to be intuitive, dream and move into synchronicity with this feminine dominant energy signature. We have a great practical and health-based energy to focus on pleasure, self-care and really help us analyze during this Retrograde Season.  


Pisces Full Moon🌕♓️ Lunar Wisdom Formula


Pisces ♓️​ Harvest Full Moon

Archetype: The Mystic

12th House Lunation - Subconscious, Secrets & Spiritual Life

Motto: I DREAM


🌕​Reap Your Harvest From The Last 6 Months

🌕​This Lunation is impacted by in Mars in Gemini♊️​, Venus in Virgo♍️​ & Mercury Stationed Retrograde in Libra♋️​

🌕Be Prepared To Sacrifice As You Make Way For More

🌕​Listen To Your Inner Voice & Subconscious

🌕​Watch For Any Blocks/Blindspots Connecting With Your Inner Self

🌕​Release To Receive

🌕 Take A Retreat And Enjoy Solitude

🌕​Tune Into Your Increased Sensitivity & Intuition


Applying the Lunar Wisdom Formula

Full Moons mark the peak light of the moon and then begins the waning phase where the light dims Friday and Saturday aren't days where we will really be in touch with reality.


Living in between worlds is a Pisces specialty… so we're in pretty good hands! ​ With Mercury retrograde just a day before the moon goes full, I highly suggest closing out any projects not starting anything new.


Anyone who is a Gemini or Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising It's probably already experiencing retrograde vibes. That is also the case if you are in a Mercury ruled year or have it prominently placed in your chart (and that would be me – Gemini Rising and Mercury is my chart ruler)!


It’s time for us to reap the Harvest🌾​ from the Pisces New Moon on 3/02/22 and the last 6 months. This means that there’s an ending your Pisces ruled house and an opportunity to consider over the next two weeks anything you may need to release to move forward in this area of life.

May your bounty be plentiful as we approach Fall season on 9/22/22 .


Below are some insights on how the Harvest Pisces Full Moon♓️​🌕 will impact your Ascendant or Rising Sign for the most accuracy. If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can read for your Sun or Zodiac Sign.

If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can read for your Sun or Zodiac Sign.

🌟 Aries Rising: 12th House - The subconscious, hidden aspects, where and how you retreat, mental health, ways your self-sabotage, and spiritual liberation

🌟 Taurus Rising: 11th House - Friends, alliances, community, your hopes and dreams, social media, social reform, personal and professional networks, unions, philanthropy, and career & business gains, unions, mentors, and that which supports you

🌟 Gemini Rising: 10th House - Your highest calling & purpose, reputation and public face, profession, ambition, authority and interaction with the father and patriarchy

🌟 Cancer Rising: 9th House - Expansion, higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine

🌟 Leo Rising: 8th House - Community property, inheritance, other people’s money, debt & taxes, depth & shadow work, sex, birth, death and transformation, and the occult

🌟 Virgo Rising: 7th house – Business and romantic partnerships, long term relationships, contract negotiation and legal issues.

🌟 Libra Rising: 6th house – Body wisdom & physical health, work & service, personal development, the environment and our pets.

🌟 Scorpio Rising: 5th house – Children, creativity, pleasure, romance, dating, sex, the arts, play and fun

🌟 Sagittarius Rising: 4th house - Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation

🌟 Capricorn Rising: 3rd house – Media, communication, siblings & extended family, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, speaking and the divine feminine

🌟 Aquarius Rising: 2nd house - Money, possessions, personal property, how you earn, values and self-worth

🌟 Pisces Rising: 1st house - Self-awareness, the body, your identity, personal appearance, how you view yourself, and your character

The 12 Houses & Their Mottos

Working With The Moon Cycle 🌕​🌑​

This full moon that occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox is a time of reaping and harvest. Full moons are about reaching the peak of our manifestation and then letting it go to reap even greater benefit down the line.


The magic of Luna cannot work if we hold tightly two our intention like a clutch.

It is a time for us to do a lot of rethinking and releasing in a lot of different areas between the Full Moon, Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Libra, Mars hitting its shadow period in Gemini for the upcoming retrograde in October.

As a brief reminder of what to focus on when Mercury our communication planet makes its backward motion in the sky is featured below. This energy will have a direct impact on our experience of releasing during the full moon.


🔁 ​Buying/repairing tech

🔁 Travel issues and delays

🔁 Tech issues

🔁 Miscommunication

🔁 Returning lovers, friends and family


Full Moon🌕​ Releasing Prompts 📝

Pisces♓️​​🌕​ Full Moon Releasing Prompts 📝

  • Where do you feel your soul being unfulfilled?

  • How can you release what doesn’t move you toward your greater soul mission to move towards your true calling?”

  • What steps have you taken in the direction of your soul’s true calling and desires in the past 6 months?

  • How can I appreciate my accomplishments and my internal awareness more?

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


