Branded Autumn Equinox Master.gif

It is the summer’s great last heat, It is the fall’s first chill: They meet. –Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

Right on the heels of the Harvest Moon🌕​, perhaps stumbling in due to the Full Moon hangover, we’ve entered the new season of Fall or Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

This year the event occurs on September 22 and the equinox is about creating balance and it brings into focus how the days are growing shorter and the nights longer.

It also ushers in the sign of the scales - Libra♎️​ reinforcing the theme of balance and duality.

Just like what happens during the entrance of Spring, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space.

When the Sun’s center precisely passes through this line, we call it the equinox.

Depending on what hemisphere you’re in the dates for Fall or Spring are reversed, but the fact remains that we’ve hit a midpoint in the division of day and night in our 24 hour day.

From today on the days become shorter than nights as the Sun rises later and nightfall comes earlier. It will remain this way until we reach the Winter Solstice, when days start to grow longer once again.

There are at least six ancient build sites around the world that are designed to perfectly mark this event each year – including the Pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu and Stonehenge.

Watch the video below to learn more…

The Equinoxes

☀️Libra The Scales♎️​​​
⭐️​​7th House Ruler
⭐️​Element: 💨​​​
⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer
⭐️Motto: I BALANCE
⭐️​Archetype: The Judge

☀️​This is the only symbol fl in the entire Zodiac that is an object versus an animal or person - the Scales. A child of Venus she is balancing the things of adult life - Love & Money. Social, beautiful and business minded by nature - she sets trends and connects others. Libra is known as The Judge archetype.

♎️​​​Its glyph represents the Sun setting or rising on the horizon. This makes sense because the Sun enters Libra at the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere and at the Spring equinox in the southern hemisphere.

☀️Libra Season is where we start to make the Virgo harvest last through the death of the Autumn , where the days grow shorter. Our greatest resources are social connections, relationships and the beauty we make as the leaves fall 🍂​ from the trees. This cardinal influencer sign sets off the new season of in a big way.

​♎️​​​​ Now is the time for relationships of all kinds - friendships, networking, dating and business. To make connections and money and spread beauty and grace all over. To use the energy to create more equality and balance wherever we go and lean into weighing our options. All with the skill of a diplomat and a fashionista that this Air 💨​sign energy brings! Ashe✨

Libra The Scales⚖​

Those born under the sign of Libra, the Scales (September 22/23 October 22/23), have a wonderful balance of traits.

They’re considered to be diplomatic and refined, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even their dark side isn’t that terrible. They can be flirtatious, easily influenced and indecisive.

Curiously, Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac represented by an inanimate object -the Scales. Every other sign is represented by an animal or sea creature or person.

Libra is the very first sign of the astrologers Great Year and occurred between 15,000 and 13,000 BCE. It also marks the Astrological Midpoint of the Year being six months away the New Year in March during Aries season.

Like the scales of justice that represented Libra, this sun sign makes good lawyers and judges. They’re able to stand back and look at situations with a critical, objective eye.

They’re among the most refined of all the signs, with elegance and culture among their traits.

Libras are very easy going and likeable, social butterflies whose company is a pleasure to enjoy. This sign is a good mix of being outgoing while surprisingly peaceful and calm of spirit.

Famous Librans include Cardi B, Serena Williams, Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid, Amber Rose, Will Smith, Childish Gambino, Lil Wayne, Gwen Stefani, A$AP Rocky, Nick Cannon and Bruno Mars. Librans love to enriched our lives through creating art and beauty.

Traits of Libra♎️​

Libras are represented in the Zodiac by the Scales, the symbol of perfect balance. Because of this, one would think that Libras are balanced, even-tempered, and calm.

One would be wrong!

Yes, Libra can balance, and when she does, those moments are absolute heaven.

But there is a space before the trays of the scales balance--that time when the weights are not even, when a little bit more needs to be added to one side or the other--and Libra represents that, also.

This tends to make Libras a bundle of contradictions, though definitely not as much as Gemini.

Libras, as ruled by Venus, are one of the most attractive signs in the Zodiac. It's natural for Libra to be warm and friendly. They’re the original social and fashion influencers – even before social media.

They are natural partners & lovers and think more in terms of “We” then “me”. So it’s likely to find them with a friend or in relationship of some kind.

As a partner, Libras are willing to bend over backwards to resolve an issue amicably. The best match for a Libra is a Gemini; they’re least compatible with Capricorns because the business to social fun ratio can get out of balance between these two.

It’s important to remember that since Libras have two trays to balance, they’ll drift from one side to the other.

At times, they can take over a conversation, and then just as suddenly turn into the perfect listener.

Their inborn fairness makes them a perfect mediator, but after a wonderful track record at settling arguments, they'll choose sides and start a fresh argument just for the fun of it

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

- Albert Camus.

When they're balanced, they're easygoing, diplomatic, and charming. When they're not balanced, they’re easily swayed and judgmental.

One of a Libra's favorite statements will be something similar to "...but on the other hand..."

Libra constantly searches for the real truth. They enjoy a good debate and won't hesitate to take the other side of an argument soley for the sake of the balance.

They cannot stand the idea of unfairness or prejudice, and will not hesitate to challenge someone on broad generalizations--and that's the Libra's weakness.

A Libra can be prone to indecision. Libras hate to make decisions without analyzing all of the possible results.

And all of that forethought can be maddening to others, especially those born under more impulsive signs. That indecision can also lead to the Libra being influenced by others.

Overall, Libras are innovators, who follows their soul wherever it might lead. Their cardinal influencer energy has the ability to bring us all together and help us make money and look good while doing it too! This is good energy to tap into for the start of Fall Season and the next 30 days.


