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Today’s the day Wise Ones!​ The last Mercury Retrograde of 2021 has arrived! As many of you know from following me, this event happens about 3-4 times per year.

And if you don’t here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening:

↩️​Retrograde periods can really turn things upside down

↩️​Mercury isn’t actually going backward—it just appears as though it is

↩️​Mercury is the planet that controls communication, travel, plans, ideas, thoughts, communications, technology, machinery, and transportation

I say that it acts as a quarterly review for our personal lives brought directly from the planet that rules over our daily lives and occurrences. And while it’s moving through the impartial sign of Libra, we really want the truth to come out. We seek fairness and want equality and justice for all.

All these factors begin to move into a slower, more reflective mode providing us with internal insight and complicating our outward plans during this time.

As we enter the shadow period (which started September 13th), the Mercury energy begins to emerge asking us to be less about the “Let’s Go Git’er Done” and more about the “Wait, what is really going on here?”

That makes the next 3 weeks a time to become ultra-receptive, adaptable, and open to the messages the Universe has to deliver to you, rather than assuming that YOU know all of the answers.

Good thing the other vibes are feeling pretty breezy right now due to a Grand Trine (God-given gift or ease) in the Air Signs between the upcoming Moon in Gemini​, the Sun​ , and Mars in Libra​ , and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius​. This is an intense and powerful meeting in the sky!

This last Mercury Retrograde of 2021 is in the sign of Libra from September 27 - October 18. It is going to focus our energy around what we really needed to restore harmony & peace in our lives in both business and love relationships. It is asking us to focus on our interactions with “We” or the collective to see how we are being supported so that we can balance the scales.

⚖​ Are you giving more than you get back?

⚖​ Are you putting a burden on others by not carrying enough of your own weight?

⚖ Is indecision keeping you off-balance instead of moving towards peace?

This is a special theme we will need to be mindful of since the sign of Libra has a lot to do with re-balancing the give & take in relationships.

There may be quite a bit of confusion flying about in the realms of big business and government, as Libra represents Lady Justice, fairness, and equilibrium in our lives. Plus, Libra’s desire to be balanced in hearing both sides of the story can aggravate their trouble-making set decisions!

Especially now with US Constitutional rights at stake, this time is perfect for reviewing the factors and re-mobilizing for the cause. Don’t spend your time duking it out on social media, take this to the formats that will make the biggest difference like letter-writing campaigns and real-life political action.

At the same time, Mercury moving backward in the sign of love relationships could have many an “ex” returning to your doorstep, while you get nostalgic about "the one that got away." But hold off on that, Sis! It’s usually a throwback that won’t stand the test of time when the return comes during Mercury Retrograde.

All the common ground that the distance between you two seems to have created, will usually evaporate as soon as Mercury's reverse hits on October 18. If you get wishful in thinking and gloss over problems they will come back with a vengeance during the light of day and forward motion (trust me I’ve been there!)

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can "work on a friendship" with someone who crushed your ego, your heart—or both.

This is not a time to stop everything as you try to “figure things out”. Mercury Rx creates a fog in communications, terms, and the like that make negotiating terms and getting to the bottom of things just a frustrating exercise that will likely drive you crazy going in circles.

Try to slow down, rise above the noise, and drop out of your head and into your heart to FEEL things out instead!

And if you want to take a great next step on your self-discovery journey during this last quarterly review, then make sure to check out my FREE Guide 8 Secrets to Thriving During Mercury Retrograde. This report was made for days like this when you’re questioning your path and wondering how to navigate the fog and thrive while doing it.

Blessed Be✨​


