
Today presents us with a total balancing act with the strong Libra​ influence of the New Moon​ calling us to check the scales and weigh both sides of everything.

Libra is usually the sign of peace, love, and harmony and would lend these energies to the New Moon. Yet we have the warrior planet of Mars recently entering the sign of Lady Justice – which brings out our inner fight for what’s fair and true.

Sometimes you just got to let’em know you’re not playing any games PERIOD! And this would be the beginning of that cycle for all of us in some area of our lives.

Especially after Mercury Retrograde changed all our plans by shutting Facebook and Instagram ALL THE WAY DOWN on Monday, honey!

Remember that Astrology is a system of calendaring and telling time that sees things far in advance and gives you an advantage. So, the best thing to do this week is go with the flow and "Always Have A Plan B" (to quote my sister and beauty business partner – who is also a Libra)!

With Mercury, The Sun, Venus, Mars and now the New Moon all in Libra, we have a stellium in the sky all singing different harmony parts of the same song. When two (or more) planets are in the same sign, they form something astrologers call a conjunction, and their energies are blended together.

When there are three or more planets together is called a stellium and it acts like an assembly. Hours before the New Moon peaks, Pluto finally goes direct and lifts the haze we’ve had on our efforts of transformation for the past 5 months.

You may have found it difficult to trust yourself and others during these past months of its retrograde, beginning on April 27th. Yet the blessing of this New Moon and Pluto direct means that you can start a new cycle of trusting yourself again. We just need to lay low and wait to communicate about these things publicly (Mercury) until after the Messenger planet is flying straight!

Oh, and FYI…everything has a birth chart, even countries, relationships, and apps. So you shouldn’t be surprised that good ole’ Instagram is a Libra born on today October 6th, in 2010. It totally explains IG’s focus on visual images and aesthetics, instead of words and why they got caught up too.

October New Moon

The Lunar Wisdom Formula


Libra New Moon ♎️​​​​​🌑​ Partnerships

Archetype: The Judge

7th House Lunation -Love & Business Partnerships, Marriage, Justice & Fairness


🌑 This Is the New Moon Midpoint of the Astrological Year

🌑 The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Mars are all in the sign of The Scales ​⚖​

🌑 Pluto has just gone direct leaving us with 5 Retrograde planets including Mercury Rx

🌑 Fight for Justice

🌑 Focus on Partnership - Both Business & Romantic

🌑 Balance The Scales like the Day & Night From The Equinox

🌑 Think Deeply About Self Care & Aesthetics

🌑 Set Intentions For Love & Money

🌑 Take in Beauty, Art & Music as New Moon Ritual

Celebrities With Libra♎️​ Moon

Alicia Keyes ☆ Anna Nicole Smith ☆ Kate Winslet ☆ Kristen Stewart ☆ Kim Novak ☆ Tommy Hilfiger ☆ Claire Danes ☆ Fergie ☆ Lily Allen ☆ Amber Heard ☆ Jessica Stam ☆ Grace Jones ☆ Ariana Grande ☆ Sophie Dahl ☆ Donna Karen ☆ Ann Hathaway ☆ Heather Graham ☆ Emma Bunton ☆ Elizabeth Banks ☆ Lupita Nyong’o ☆

Reflective Questions for The Libra New Moon

· Where do you need to balance your work and life?

· What would make you feel better and tune more in your life?

· What are ways you can spread love to others or yourself that leaves the recipient more nourished?

· How can you invest in bringing some beauty into work/business environments to feel more fun & pleasurable.

Now is the time to make a fresh new start in the areas of our lives that have felt disharmonious, ungrounded, or out of sync with how we really want to be feeling! With all the Retrograde activity we will be able to hear our inner worlds clearly so use it to fight for justice and balance the major relationships and partnerships in your life over the next 6 months ahead and beyond… and remember that Love Always Wins.​

New Moon Blessings, Wise Ones​​​​


