Today is the First Quarter Moon🌓 which is the time to check in on the growth of the seeds that we planted during darkness of the New Moon 🌑​. This powerful moon phase only lasts for one day but it’s definitely one that can be a pivot point on the way to the Full Moon🌕​.

Because I am so in love with La Luna and it’s amazing feminine, magical and manifestational powers – I follow her phases all over the sky. This nighttime sky watching is the basis for my book The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman’s Manifestation Guide To Align To Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon

So we are in the waxing phase of the Lunar cycle growing to a Full Moon🌕​, which means it is time to initiate action!

When the Moon is waxing, it appears to get bigger- and the energy that accompanies is expansive. It’s when we can expect an increase in our energy. 

Think of the 14 days of the waxing phase 🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕​ as the time you plant the seeds of your intentions. 

Whatever you set out to manifest on the New Moon, this week is the time to make action steps to bring those things into your life. 

Start taking inspired action, watering those seeds of inspiration and creativity. You might find it useful to refine your plans so you can confidently move forward with them between now and the First Quarter Moon phase.

What to do this week:

🌙 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking.

This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.

Monthly Energy

March has been a very active month with a lot of changes in the heavens in the first 10 days. This makes it really ripe to manifest big and work with the rising tide of energy brought to us by the March 2nd Imagination Pisces ♓️​ New Moon.


When you combine the power of the First Quarter Moon🌓 with Venus finally being direct, and both Venus and Mars entering Aquarius♒️​ over the weekend, we’ve been gifted with Fertile ground to manifest our future.

Below is the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card for the First Quarter Moon In Gemini♊️​ (which is the sign the Moon is in now) and amazing insights on how to use this energy to your advantage

Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House

Speak Your World into Being

Think about what you want. Do you really believe you can create it? Do you believe you have what it takes or do you secretly doubt yourself? (Worse, are you quietly preparing for failure? Say it ain’t so!)

Here’s the thing: you can’t fool the Universe.

Repeated affirmations that you don’t believe are a waste of time. Believe in your magic.

If someone has spoken or written unkind words to you, counter them with kind words to yourself. Try it. Speak your world into being. Talk about it as though it’s already happening.

Manifesting mix

Here you’re being asked to feel your way through a situation that’s partly sacred and partly mundane. Be compassionate and clever.

Manifesting mindset

Ask your soul to speak to you. Listen to your heart and not your mind. Write lists of your goals.

Tune in to your manifesting powers

The Throat chakra (Vishudha) is found at the base of the throat and is a beautiful sky blue colour. It helps you to express yourself. What words are you speaking, to yourself and others?

 Imagine yourself in a column of bright and breezy sky blue. Call in the Gemini constellation and say these words as you press this card to the base of your throat:

‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, thank you for helping me to raise my thoughts and so my vibration!’

When to manifest your magic

 The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Gemini, on a Wednesday (Mercury’s day) or during Mercury’s hour.

 The First Quarter Moon in Gemini takes place when the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Gemini. It knows that dreams can come true – and a plan helps.


To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 


My DIY ​guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon


Blessed Be💙​✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom 


