The Virgo♍️​ Full moon occurs before first light on Friday so assuming you love your plan and are aware of your flights of fancy and where a solid foundation is needed, then tonight and tomorrow are great for manifestation magic or actions.

On Friday the full moon peaks at 3:17 AM EST and when it does watch out for over-thinking things - particularly what we need to release go!

After that point, the manifesting energy stops and now is the ideal time to start relinquishing and releasing whatever is keeping you away from accomplishing your fantasies.

The Sun☀️​ and Pluto are cooperating this evening to assist you with communicating whatever that should be said obviously to other people so you can push ahead.

Individuals regularly think changing their goal, relationship, or approach to being is disastrous - and in some cases it is. However, generally, it resembles pruning a plant. Assuming you realize me you'll realize the reason why it's diverting that I would utilize a plant model, however even I realize that you need to manage a plant so assets aren't squandered attempting to keep something kicking the bucket alive to the detriment of the entire rest of the plant.

In this way, assuming lighting things ablaze feels excessively sincerely extreme for those of you without solid Scorpio placements, consider where you might have to manage areas of connections or your life to offer the appropriate consideration and consideration to the parts you need to develop and thrive.

The Worm Moon is aptly named by native tribes in North America and their observation of the emergence of worms in the thawing ground in anticipation of the Spring Equinox and season.

After drifting around in marvelous ♓️ Pisces Season for the beyond couple of weeks, the current week's 🌕 Full Moon in ♍️ Virgo will compel us to rude awakening ourselves and take a gander at how we can ground our fantasies and wishes in the present time and place… by ensuring we are really accomplishing the work to make them actually occur.

Thus, on Friday, March 18 it's a significant Full Moon for eliminating any unfortunate behavior patterns that have been holding you back from running after your optimal vision with more prominent reasonableness, productivity and care.

Ruled by the planet Mercury, ♍️ Virgo is the sign that rules order and organization and love a plan. With the moon beaming on this discerning Earth sign, it will raise to the surface any regions where we might have gotten sluggish, disrupted, or even where we've become an over-the-top self-basic stickler… in a way that isn't really serving our 10,000 foot view vision however much we could get a kick out of the chance to bypass it, flee, or imagine.

While Pisces Season is assisting us with tuning into our optimal variant of the real world, the sublime power of this 🌕 Full Moon will support us to change our propensities, outlooks, plans - or scarcity in that department - that are obviously not getting us there! 🍃

Virgo Full Moon♍️​​​​​🌕

Lunar Wisdom Formula


Virgo Full Moon ♍️​​​​🌕​ The Worm Moon

Archetype: The Analyst/The Healer

6th House Lunation -Work, Service, Health & Wellness & Pets 


🌕​​This Moon Trine Pluto giving us a focus on perfecting, organizing and transforming energy in our emotional lives and environments. 

🌕​Best moon to release bad habits and address areas of health and wellness.

🌕 Do Grounding Work & Be Practical

🌕Attend To Details 

🌕Put In Some Hard Work 

🌕This Earthy Lunar Energy Opposing the Pisces Sun Means Intuition Will Be Seen And Felt 

🌕Simplicity Will Always Reign Under Virgo Influence 


Below are suggestions of ways to release and embody the energetic signature for the next 2 weeks on an emotional level.

Releasing and forgiveness are the two powerful actions we can take at the Full Moon🌕​.

Creating this vacuum each 2 weeks is one of the secret of reaping manifestations in the following 2 weeks after the Full Moon.

  • If I had my ideal workflow & lifestyle, what would that look like? What do I need to release in order to better prioritize this vision?”

  • “How could I be taking better care of myself in my physical body so that I can feel my best and do my best work? What old bad habits do I feel ready to release in order to do that?”

May you be inspired to serve yourself, others and the highest outcome for all while getting massive amounts of clarity and order during this Virgo Full Moon! It’s a time to release especially around our health, wellness and things felt in our bodies as we soak up the last days of the watery Pisces Sun!

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out

My DIY Lunar Astrology ​guide: The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon




My 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘


Blessed Be💙​✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


