On October 23,2023 at 12:20PM ET the Sun slinks into magnetically tempting Scorpio♏️​​

for the next four weeks, so power and control themes have just fully activated.


Scorpio is the sign of metamorphosis, so be careful what you focus on. Energy flows where your concentration goes, and your manifesting abilities have been amplified.


However, eclipse season is not yet over! The full moon in Taurus on Saturday, October 28 is a partial lunar eclipse, the third and last lunar eclipse in fiscally fit Taurus, the sign of money, material security, and hard work.


For the past two years, this eclipse sequence, which began rippling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis on November 19, 2021, has been profoundly reshaping the economy and our own financial patterns. Keep a look out for interesting money-making chances in the coming days.


This blog and video will be focusing on the energy of Scorpio Season, the best actions to take and now to make the most out of the end of an era with the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse family ending soon!

Welcome to Scorpio Season♏️​​​ 2023

Scorpio Season 2023 arrives with its intense and transformative energy, inviting us to delve deep into the core of our being. This astrological period is characterized by the influence of the enigmatic and passionate Scorpio sign.

During this time, we are encouraged to embrace our inner strength and confront our fears and vulnerabilities head-on. Scorpio energy is all about metamorphosis, making it an ideal time to shed old habits, beliefs, and situations that no longer serve us.

One of the key themes of Scorpio Season is intense introspection and shadow work. This is a period when we can confront our deepest, darkest aspects with courage and honesty. By acknowledging and working through these hidden elements, we can experience profound personal growth and transformation.

Scorpio Season's energy can also foster deep connections and intimacy in our relationships, as we become more willing to open up emotionally and share our true selves with others.

Moreover, Scorpio Season 2023 is an excellent time for research and investigation. The Scorpio energy encourages us to dig beneath the surface and uncover hidden truths. Whether it's a personal mystery to solve or a broader societal issue to address, this season supports our efforts to get to the bottom of things.

In essence, Scorpio Season 2023 beckons us to embrace our inner power, confront our shadows, and emerge from the experience as stronger, more self-aware individuals.

Do Scorpions Sting?🦂​

If you’re looking for excitement, all you need to do is find a scorpion. No, not the animal, we’re talking about the zodiac sign. Scorpios♏️​ are extremely complex individuals; they are all about hidden motives, ambitious plans, and mysterious agendas.


They rarely show their true feelings and emotions. Since they have an excellent memory, Scorpios never forget anything. If they are wronged, a Scorpio will forever hold that memory in their mind, and take revenge if need be. On the flip side, a Scorpio will also remember an act of kindness or generosity and will repay him or her with a similar gesture.


Scorpios are complex in their personal relationships as well. They have a knack for being always aware of their surroundings. Their inquisitive nature can sometimes make them appear overbearing and dominating to those around them.


They are fiercely independent, so if you want to live with a Scorpio, then be ready to make some adjustments. This is the reason why most Scorpios prefer to live alone, away from parents or family. It is difficult for them to spend too much time with others due to their differing views, opinions, and decisions.


Scorpios are extremely determined in achieving whatever they set their mind to and are capable of doing extraordinary things. They can accomplish amazing feats simply by being focused and working hard. Since they are genuine people, they rarely take a short cut, so their achievements are always based on honesty and sincerity.


The most dominating, temperamental, and complex of all the fire signs, Scorpios are known to get along very well with their fellow fire signs in the zodiac. They are controlling and strong-willed and have strange beliefs that rarely coincide with anyone else’s. In short, living with a Scorpio friend, family or partner may be inviting a lifelong war.

Scorpio Season♏️​​​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ but this will occur at the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus 2 days of the start of the season due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year.

Sun☀️ enters Scorpio♏️​​​​ - October 23

Sun☀️♏️​​ trine  Saturn ♓️​ - October 24

Mars♏️​​ opposite Jupiter♉️ - October 28

Partial Lunar Eclipse in ♉️ - October 28

Hunter’s Full Moon🌕​ in Taurus​​​​♉️ - October 28

Mercury♏️ opposite Jupiter ♉️ - October 28

Mercury♏️ conjunct Mars♏️ - October 29

Venus♍️​ trines Uranus♉️ - October 31

Samhain/Hallow’s Eve🎃 - October 31

Sun☀️♏️​opposite Jupiter ♉️​​​ - November 3

Venus ♍️​ opposite Neptune♓️​ - November 3

Saturn Direct in Pisces♓️​ - November 4

Mercury♏️ opposite Uranus♉️​​​ - November 4

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Leo♌️​​​​​​​ - November 5

Venus♍️ trines Pluto♑️​ ​​- November 6

Mercury​♏️​​ trines Neptune♓️​​ - November 6

Venus enters in Libra♎️​​  - November 8

Mercury♏️ sextile Pluto♑️- November 8

Mercury enters Sagittarius♐️​​ - November 10

Mercury♐️ squares Saturn♓️ - November 10

Mars♏️ opposite Uranus♉️ - November 11

New Moon🌑 in Scorpio♏️- November 13

Sun☀️​​♏️ opposite Uranus♉️​ ​- November 13

Mercury♐️ sextile Venus​♎️ - November 15

Mars♏️ trine Neptune♓️​​​ - November 17

Sun☀️​​♏️ sextile Neptune♓️​​​ - November 17

Sun☀️​​♏️ conjunct Mars♏️ - November 18

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Aquarius♒️​​​​​ - November 20

Sun☀️♏️sextile Pluto♑️​​​ ​ - November 20

Mars♏️ sextile Pluto♑️ - November 21 

Scorpio Season♏️​​​​ ​​Stellar Planning Focus

Scorpio season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on the Water💦​ Emotional/Spiritual energy that pierces the veil to the Underworld and realms of the ancestors, the shadows and the Dark Feminine.

After completing the end of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle and all of Fall Eclipse Season, it will be time dig into what lurks in the shadows, so that we have what’s needed for this next timeline shift.  


When Stellar Planning is used, we can quickly sense that it is time to improve our life by working behind the scenes and letting go. During these 30 days, aspects of the life cycle, such as sex and death, are likely to come up. So now is a good time to look into estate planning, inheritance, living wills, and powers of attorney, as well as taxes. Both death and taxes are Scorpio-ruled domains of life.


We are completing the second Zodiac elemental cycle by taking our knowledge and balance from Libra (air💨 ) and descending into the darkness and shadows to learn the power of emotions and the spirit realm Scorpio(water💦). To accomplish this, we must let go and allow ourselves to be transformed into something much greater. We must recognize that you cannot always be balanced; you must be passionate and intense.

During this period, we must all ask ourselves, "What shadow work will we do in the next 30 days for our highest good?"

☀️Scorpio The Scorpion♏️​

⭐️​​8th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💦​​​​

⭐️​Essence: Fixed/Authority

⭐️Motto: I DESIRE

⭐️​Archetype: The Magician



The End of An Era: The Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Series♉️​♏️​ 🌕​🌑​☀️​

The Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Season began in November of 2021 with crossover Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus on November 19th . We have now reached the end of this 18 month cycle with another Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus coming up on October 28th .  

Now is a time to recall the dates, times and circumstances surround this eclipse family to make sure that you can do a complete download of what has shifted in your life and times.

 November 19, 2021 (Lunar/Taurus)

April 30, 2021 (Solar/Scorpio)

October 25, 2022 (Solar Scorpio)

November 08, 2022 (Lunar/Taurus)

May 5, 2023 (Lunar/Scorpio)

October 28, 2023 (Lunar/Taurus) 

Eclipses have historically been kingmakers and forecasts of major international events; thus this is a ripe period for major world changes. And this will mark the end of a thread that will render your life shifted from the fated events that have transpired on or around these dates. Due to this ending during Scorpio season, anticipate secrets to be uncovered and shadows and darkness to fade for those who need to be exposed for the greater good of all!


Purging unprocessed sadness and emotions will be necessary to make room for a new beginnings being brought in by the New Eclipse Axis in Aries/Libra and the recent Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023.  


We may find ourselves striving to wade through the most profound, unconscious, and hidden intentions, motivations, and desires that have guided us during this 18-month journey. Intimacy, trust, and vulnerability difficulties that may have surfaced in our closest relationships will now be open for fully processing and integrated into your life.


Solar eclipses are times for new beginnings, while lunar eclipses are times of endings and culminations, so get ready for the culminations that Scorpio Season will bring with this last eclipse of the year.

During Scorpio Season 2023, it is favored to engage in introspective practices such as deep self-reflection and shadow work, as this period encourages the exploration of our inner depths. Embracing transformation and shedding old patterns, beliefs, and situations that no longer serve us is highly recommended.

Additionally, focusing on deepening emotional connections in relationships, opening up to intimacy, and addressing hidden truths through research and investigation can be particularly fruitful during this intense and transformative astrological season.

May this Sun’s decent into the underground world that is the 0 degree Scorpio Sun♏️​☀️​, offer you eyes that can regard the shadow side for the wisdom, insight and transformation it can offer for the next 30 days as the veil thins, intense emotions abound and “The Void” balances us out.


Blessed Be

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