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Using Astrology to guide our healing and self-care can be one of the greatest investments we will ever make! I know it’s a bold statement but it’s so true that the precision of the timing and energy assessment that astrology reveals can take you from chasing waterfalls to hitting the bullseye with just a few simple shifts.

In these modern days, we forget that astrology was the first system of telling time and tracking seasonal changes. Women through the ages have had to look to nature & the sky to track their fertility, feed their families and prepare for the dark & cold seasons. They did this through watching the sky and changes in the plants to track and then make the best use of the repeating patterns.

Now unless you are lucky enough to have been passed down this knowledge from your ancestors, are a gardener or live off the land – most of only use a clock and or a calendar to see what time is good to do X,Y,Z. And I am certainly not suggesting that there is anything wrong with that?

What I am saying is that astrology enhances your understanding of timing and energy. Which means it enhances and aligns your healing and self-care routines when applied. And let’s be real there’s not a professional woman or entrepreneur who doesn’t want that! As they battle feeling overworked, overstressed and short on time for everything on your schedule let alone regular self-care – PERIOD!

You can also gain knowledge about the exact area, timing and options that will make your life better with astrology. Healing yourself emotionally and physically and treating yourself with great self-care is a lot easier when you’re able to think about life’s alignment with the moon, sun and other planets.

Self-Care isn’t Selfish – It’s Necessary!

Taking care of yourself is something that you need to do no matter what you are doing or what you believe in. There are ways that you can use astrology to make things easier and to give yourself the benefits that you deserve through the power of the earth.

But we are usually so busy that we can’t even wrap our brains around tracking down all the information to get in sync with natural cycles. Because even though we know that this information will enhance our well-being, we can’t imagine adding another thing on our plate!

I get it! I’ve been there so many times in my life - serving others at the expense of my own health and wellness. And I know it can be really hard to change your habits and mindset to making YOU a top priority in your life – even when you know it makes sense. Hell, I am a trained psychotherapist and health coach and have struggled with this!

Learning to treat ourselves as precious and worthy of time and attention can often be a shift for modern women who are always serving others. But it’s a shift that you can personally appreciate and find very healing to your body and mind.

This is where I have learned to lean into my astrology training to get my life together. I was able to make a huge shift in my health and personal life when I applied the power of the Moon🌕 to my self-care and beauty therapy routines. Counteracting my adrenal fatigue diagnosis and weekly bouts with illness to a more relaxed and glowing self.

Ancient Wisdom: Personalized Self-Care Manual

Reconnecting with this wisdom practice, which may have a new name, but has been practiced by women since the dawn of time has been a game changer! And you don’t even need you have to learn astrology to do it. Through following the existing lunar and solar cycles each month, you access information to heal, relax, recharge and beautify yourself in the best ways possible for your unique needs, preferences, make-up and issues.

Despite how you may feel when overwhelmed by life and your schedule, you’re the one that’s in control of your time and mood. You are only really accountable for the things that you control - and those would be your thoughts, emotions and responses. Self-care strengthens our ability to choose to respond to demands that come your way.

We all hate one size fit all solutions and know that they don’t work with things a personal as our look, aesthetic or self-care. If you want to go deeper, then learning the basics of accessing just 2 markers your birth chart (your natal moon sign & house) can give you laser focused suggestions and time windows to schedule your times to maximize your efforts.

To live better, look better, heal and recharge ourselves is a commitment that I want to inspire every woman to do for herself. There are hundreds of ways to engage in self-care yet the choice to bring in astrology as a guide for these habits can give you a quantum leap in personal development with just a few shifts.

There are plenty of ways to use your abilities and in order to make life better and more achievable you are going to feel better about your goals. Below are a few ways to engage in some body-based tips and strategies to add to your self-care repertory.

Self-Care 101


Self-care does require a concentrated block of time, but short spurts can be effective. More than the time you need a commitment to the goal and a proven plan to see results. A good place to start is in your mind. Try to take a beat to clear your head by not locking onto any of worries or problems that are going on in your life. You can use guided meditation or visual imagery to help you relax. It’s important to remember that even a 1 or 5 minute ritual can improve your health and wellness if the other option is NOTHING!

1. Breathing is always the best way to help you relax. Have a steady rhythmical breathing. On the inhale, imagine a pure white light coming into your body. On the exhale, visualize all negativity leaving your body. Send this negative energy into the ground so it can be neutralized.

2. Washing your hands and visualizing negative energy going down the drain helps.

3. You can also use bells or chimes to help cleanse the auric field.

4. You can clean an aura are burning incense

5. Ask for protection and cleansing

6. Rub Frankincense on your hands and wipe it around the auric field, and call for the Universal Energy to help you.

You can use these suggestions in your practice, you may find something else that works equally well. Use that. There is no wrong way to do self-care. If you listen to your body and follow your intuition, that is all you need. And if you decide to align your practice to the daily moon sign or lunar phase you can 10x your results!

As women and natural nurturers we must remember, no matter how much you want to help someone else, you MUST always take care of yourself first! Empathic people use their own energies and end up feeling drained and weak afterwards. Too many women fall into this category to count! This makes you vulnerable to illness and any negative energies that are floating around out there.

So let’s start now to change the trend immediately by always have good intentions concerning yourself. Most importantly, practice some form of self-care daily to keep yourself strong so you can help others.

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If you want or need more guidance during Virgo♍️​ season to get your health and wellness routine in order then click the link below to get a copy of my newest FREE resource Top 7 Beauty Therapy And Self-Care Tips & The Beauty Self-Care Checklist.

It has my proven method to find best times for self-care & ways to start a beauty therapy routines for lasting effects instantly!

Glow Up, Wise Ones 💫​


