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Once In A Blue Moon🌕​

Tomorrow is a Seasonal Blue Moon, it’s the third Full Moon of the season, and it’s at 29 ½ degree the peak of lunation in the community-minded, unconventional and revolutionary sign Aquarius. It’s a repeat of the energetics from last month’s Full Moon in the same sign which gives us a chance to revisit what we released to see if we can go deeper and clear more space. There is a highlighting of your need to be unique as well as challenges to the last days of the Leo sun’s royal and dignified energy in the fixed/authority essence.

With the Sun and Full Moon at the last degree of Leo and Aquarius, respectively, and Jupiter close by the Moon, there is an elevated mix of all these energy signatures and a feeling of expansion as we roll into Virgo season just hours later. The 29th degree represents the threshold between two signs and the conscious and subconscious. It brings the energy of the end of a cycle, dissolution, stress and uncertainty while opening the liminal space -which exists between the known and the unknown.

Lucky for us there will be a couple of different choices of what to do with all this individualistic energy in the air. Try to vibe with it by using your creativity, leadership, and self-expression in positive ways. Alternatively, you can turn it into something more negative by being overdramatic, egotistical, and seeking attention in all the wrong places. Luckily, the Aquarian influence on the moon cause us to be more considerate of the collective and their causes. Yet there’s also an undercurrent of wanting to go all Public Enemy by bucking the system and raising a little hell. This blue moon comes with a total Maverick vibe, that will have you out there doing whatever you feel like, but that would be a missed opportunity. We need to find a balance between being a rebel under the full moon vibes and answer the call of all the buried information from our subconscious that we can uncover if we ask the right questions. Listening for your inner answers maybe what saves your from making the mistake of a lifetime!


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Aquarius♒️​ Seasonal Blue Full Moon

Archetype: The Maverick

11th House Lunation - Hopes & Dreams, Wishes & Friends

Motto: I KNOW

🌕Prepare For More Unexpected Shifts

🌕How Can You More Deeply Root Into Freedom

🌕Invite A Sense Of Play And Lower Boundaries Around Fun!

🌕What Aspect Of Community & The Collective Can You Tap Into Now

🌕Increased Access to Your Unconscious Mind Will Occur Now

🌕Use The Energy of the 29th Degree To Embrace Additional Messages From Your Unconscious

🌕Think Back To Last Month’s Full Moon on 7/23 To See Where The Universe Is Providing A Cosmic Do-Over.

Celebrities With Moon in Aquarius♒️​​​

Solange ☆ Jennifer Jason Leigh ☆ Tiffani-Amber Thiessen ☆ Anna Hutchison ☆ Ali Larter ☆ Ashley Judd ☆ Jayne Mansfield ☆ Marilyn Monroe ☆ Joan Crawford ☆ Carrie Underwood ☆ Anna Friel ☆ Kim Cattrall ☆Helena Rubenstien ☆ Britney Spears ☆ Sandra Bullock ☆ Cristina Hendricks ☆ Uma Thurman ☆ Vivieine Leigh ☆ Victoria Beckham ☆ Ursula Andress ☆ Annie Leobowiz ☆ Diana Princess Of Wales ☆ Amanda Bynes ☆ Jessica Alba ☆ Cara Delevingne☆ Sophia Loren ☆ Audrey Tatau ☆

Here are some questions to ask yourself on this Aquarius Full Moon the second time around: 📝

→ What are you more hopeful about this month in comparison to the last?

→ What “innovative” or “outsider” perspective inspires your creative thinking?

→ What quality do you call on to sustain you? Hope? Faith? Something else?

→ What seed, drive or longing for the future is opposed to the current structure of your life?

→ What is being illuminated, this Full Moon?

If you want to take your Lunar watching to the next level and learn more about how to use this energy to your benefit for the last 6 months of the year click the link to get a copy of my FREE Guide The Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Personal Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons.

Blessed Be!


