The evening of February 1st through to the next evening on February 2nd is known as Candlemas, Brigid or lmbolc. Imbolc represents the midway point between the Spring Equinox(Ostara) and the Winter Solstice (Yule).
Imbolc, which means "in the womb of the Mother," refers to the time of year when the first signs of spring can be seen on Mother Earth. This is a time when many herd animals give birth to their first young of the year or are very pregnant. Consequently, these maternal symbols represent creation and the promise for spring.
This is one of the for Cross Quarter Holidays on the Wheel of The Year and it marks the rising tide of the daytime and sunlight and the recession of the shadows as we approach Spring and the equinox.
Imbolc, which comes on February 1 and 2 in the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizes the midpoint of the year's darkness. A festival of optimism, Imbolc serves as a gentle reminder that spring is just around the corner. The lambs give birth at this time of year, and the earliest flowers are just starting to grasp for the sun.
This sabbat as a whole stands for concepts like development, renewal, and purity. This is a moment to celebrate the earth's emerging fecundity and to purify both our physical surroundings and our minds. An enjoyable pastime is to take a short stroll outside and look for signs of the approaching spring.
St. Brigid's Day and Candlemas are other names for Imbolc. Celtic fire goddess Brigid is revered as a protector of the house and the hearth. She is also connected to professions like midwifery, healing, and smithcraft. Early Christians chose to designate Brigit a saint after finding it impossible to cease pagan worship of the goddess, and this is why you will frequently see her referred to as St. Brigid in different sources.
The previous pagan customs observed at this time of year were reinterpreted to become the Christian feast known as Candlemas. All of the candles in the house are supposed to be lit during Candlemas. This is related to Brigid celebrations because she is revered as the keeper of the eternal flame.
Groundhogs Day is a peculiar holiday celebrated in America that typically coincides with Imbolc. It is undoubtedly consistent with Imbolc divination practices, which utilized this day to look for indications that heralded the hope of spring, that a groundhog may predict how many more weeks of winter.
No matter what you do during the next 2 days, it’s an opportunity to honor this midpoint between the light and the dark. The shadow season is coming to the end and the light is growing🕯
Imbolc Themes🕯
Fresh Start
Purifying Your Energy, Blessing, Cleansing, Luck, Protection, Fertility, Wishing
Herbs and Plants
Snowdrop, Heather, Bay, First Flowers of the Year
Stones and Crystals
Amethyst, Peridot, Moonstone, Onyx, Bloodstone, Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise, Red Garnet
Rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon , Wisteria
Red, Blue, Brown, Orange, White, Green, Pink, Yellow
Yellow Flowers, Besom, Snowflakes, Sun Wheel, Brigid’s Cross, White Flowers, Lamps, Sheep
Things to Do
Bake Bread or a Cake, Clean, Light Candles, Make a Brigid’s Cross, Plant Seeds
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