The TOP Astrology & Law Of Attraction Mistakes Stressed Out Women Make...and How To Avoid Them!

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Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac have both positive and negative traits. Many of us, for whatever reason, have a tendency to allow the negatives to manifest in our lives. At those times we feel like a victim of fate versus captain’s of our own ships.

Depending on what we’re facing, it can seem like we’ve reached a point of no return and can’t see how to turn our lives back to a healthy balance. But that’s never the case, because we get to write our own stories! And those stories reflect our feeling state at the time of telling them.

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That’s why I wanted go over the top mistakes women make using Astrology and The Law of Attraction and offer some secrets to success. These two practices have the power to help you to live the life you are destined to have! They’re both mainstays in my life and I like to refer to them as spiritual technology.

If used properly, you can build the life of your dreams or you can feel like you are caught in the movie “Groundhog’s Day” and that every horrible thing you imagined just seems to show up, as if your psychic and its magic.

So let’s get into how to use these two tools to bring about the life we dream of, want and deserve and avoid any pitfalls. Especially as we move through the last days of this Eclipse Portal and experience the June 10th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini♊️​

Your Personalized Life Instruction Manual: The Birth Chart

The first way to get back on track is to get a copy of your birth chart and find out just what positive traits come naturally to us. A birth chart, or natal chart as it is sometimes called, tells the real story of your natural personality.

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This chart graphs the position of the planets and astrological houses present in the sky at the very time of your birth. Because of the characteristics given to the planets and astrological houses, your chart can reveal your motivations, desires, positives, negatives, and just why you are the way you are. That’s why I call it a Personalized Life Instruction Manual.

The most important things to review about your birth chart are the Big 3: your Sun Sign, the Ascendent/Rising sign, and the Moon Sign.

  1. Your Sun Sign reveals your innerself the core of who you are, and how you see yourself. This is the most general aspect of your personality.

  2. The Ascendent/Rising Sign can be thought of as your outward personality - the part of you that you project to others, or that others observe about you.

  3. Your Moon Sign indicates emotional and intuitive responses - the way you deal with certain situations.

As you carefully examine these three aspects of your birth chart be sure to take note of both positives and negatives. Make sure to really take in the positives are already present, this is what you want to soak up. Also remember negatives or challenges are just the contrast our lives need to see and know that there is light. With prior knowledge you can reduce their impact and/or be prepared for their arrival. That’s the beauty of having a Life Instruction Manual based on your own stellar map and imprint.

We have to remember that any positives we have in our charts are points to be nurtured and developed. Any positives you find within your Zodiac sign are already natural to you, so developing them are not only fairly easy to accomplish, but they point your energy upstream.

Focusing on the good also eads to something called Positive Sentiment Override, which is really just getting into a state of positivity that is infectious and colors everything you do happy.

The Law of Attraction: The Secret Methods Of Manifestation Finally Revealed!

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That’s where the Law of Attraction comes and can set really set things in motion. You may hear many people talk about experimenting with the Law of Attraction. Some people have great success with while others seem to come up feeling like it’s a bunch of lies.

The Laws of Physics say that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s what keeps our bodies from floating into space, cars on the road and planes in the sky when they left off. We may not always understand how this law works but still we trust it.

This is how I look at Universal Law and The Laws of Metaphysics, we don’t always understand how they work but still they exist. The Law of Attraction is one of the 11 Universal Laws and one that we can leverage to get the biggest results in our life and times.

One Golden Method To Work Out What You're Currently Attracting

The Law of Attraction works on the principle that our thoughts attract whatever we’re thinking most often and with the greatest intensity. All of this is rooted in Quantum Physics, once dismissed by much of the scientific community as a pseudoscience, but now studied widely.

When I think about the years of automatic dismissal a quote to come to mind . . . Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. So now that things have become evident, we need to tap into the power of the Law of Attraction to develop our positive traits and call in the life we want to live.

Many people have seen the movie The Secret and it is all about this law. But most people don’t fully understand how to make sure they are able to truly attract what they desire - so the think it doesn’t work.

So, I wanted to provide some guidance how to attract your desires not your fears. Because the pandemic put so many people in a place to unconsciously attracting their worst nightmare due to a steady diet of doom and gloom on the news for 16 months.

The Law of Attraction: How To Breakthrough The “It Doesn't Work” Barrier Once And For Good!


Don’t let the current climate trick you into thinking this is the abiding principle✨

There are many ways that we can tap into positivity and use the Law of Attraction to enhance them. Daily affirmations, guided meditation, and visualizations are among a few of them.

Attraction starts with your mindset. Nothing like the year that was 2020 to really bring that home for us. There is a difference between being informed and prepared versus consumed and in fear.

Since the key to the law of attraction is the emotional state that you are in when attracting, we have to look at which one of these emotions is more compelling. Fear is the winner hands down - especially when you have a clear reason to worry.

But worry nor fear will protect you from all that you don’t want. And too much focus combined with emotional charge about getting it can attract your worst nightmare. If you plan to use your mind to attract things start from a place of gratitude for all you have and see what comes...

How would you like to write the script of your own life, just like a writer writes a movie script?


Scripting is one of the main Law of Attraction tools of choice for me and I’ve been doing it since 2011, when I found the book called “The Soulmate Secret” about using the Law of Attraction to manifest a new relationship and met my friend and one of my mentors Peggy McColl.

Are you aware that you can build results - in your life, in your business, in any area you wish - by exact design? Very similar to how an architect builds design plans, and how actors and actresses learn a movie script…

Whether you want to buy a dream home, manifest financial wealth, create amazing relationships, build a multi-million dollar business, and/or contribute to the lives of millions (or billions) of people.

You can write the script of your own life and live it now! My friend & mentor Peggy is going to show you the process of exactly how to get there! Just click this link to get her FREE DOWNLOAD QUICK START GUIDE: How To Write The Script Of Your Life And LIVE It NOW!

Blessed Be, Wise Ones✨​💙​


How To Have Great Beginnings With The New Moon Eclipse In Gemini🌑​♊️​


Mercury Retrograde - Learning How To Thrive✨​