Mercury Retrograde - Learning How To Thrive✨​

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Mercury has gone Retrograde in Gemini♊️​, the 2nd one in the aftermath of a really crazy 16 months and in the middle of a very busy time in the Cosmos. My technology is on the fritz. Communication seems off, exes are popping up out of nowhere and plans are being cancelling & rescheduling plans...

I know many of you can relate.

I’ve received so many people reaching out to me asking me about tips and to negotiate this year’s series of Mercury in retrograde with ease and grace – because 2020 was such a game changer! Plus Mercury is the 3rd planet to go retrograde in the last month and we are in the middle of eclipse season, so the stellar energy is potent!

Now were going to be experiencing some of the glitches that come with relying on tech for social connection and returning to the land of the living. That means that for some of us the glitches and delays that are the hallmark of the backwards motion energy has been kicking since about May 17th. With the world opening up again we all want to do more than just survive, right?

Whew! I know how many of you may want to just hibernate until all this mess is over and the post shadow period come to an end🤯. But don’t go underground yet! It’s not necessary to hide out from mid-May to July to end up untouched and unbothered.

Let’s breakdown a bit further the Mercury Retrograde info I put in last week’s blog to give you some Stellar GPS for the weeks ahead.

Astrology is an amazing timing tool! When you know timeframes to expect certain kinds of energy you can uplevel any plan or action taken with this knowledge. That is what it means to be "in-synch"!

We’re going to talk about the 6 phases of this event to give you better ideas about the timing of all this in your real life!


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We’ve made it out of the busyness of the Gemini pre-shadow of this current retrograde on May 28th!

Which had us all chomping at the bit for fresh air and social contact.

This is one of the truest pre-shadows of a Mercury Rx because this planet is at home in the sign of Gemini♊️.

Since Mercury rules Gemini♊️ we can expect some really classic interpretations of the upcoming backwards motion for our communication↪️.

Otherwise called the Retroshade, the pre-retrograde shadow happens when Mercury moves over the degrees in the sky that it will later pass during retrograde phase.

This is “Let’s get it started” phase and it has a similar feeling.

There's a vulnerability noticeable all around, and it's regularly more exceptional and of more consequence than the actual retrograde. Watch out for people, theme, and activities that will return during the real retrograde stage.


Mercury stationing retrograde has that Big Body Benz pulling up to an event kind of vibe to it.

Everyone notices and and stops what they are doing for a moment, taking it all in.

The same way all our communication and plans comes to a clear point of going left or suddenly stopping.

This pausing is a pretty dramatic tee-up for Mercury as it plans to start backwards motion in the sky.


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Mercury is the first planet from the Sun. Mercury and Earth are like kissing cousins.

As planets travel the Zodiac Mercury and Earth the Sun are never too far apart from each other.

It takes Mercury about 88 day to make a complete revolution around the sun through all the signs of the Zodiac. It is one of the fastest moving planets in our universe.

Because od Mercury's fast pace and the Earth's 365-day revolution, there are at least 3 to 4 times throughout the year when it appears as if Mercury is moving backwards from the vantage point of the Earth🌎​.


This is essentially what a Mercury Retrograde is. The appearance of this backwards motion has an impact on the areas of life that Mercury rules from an astrological perspective.

Some of those areas of life include day to day travel, sibling interaction, transportation, technology, writing, publishing, contract negotiation to name a few.

People from the past may appear. You may suddenly get the urge to cyber stalk an ex from years ago or one might reach out to you.

As above, so below and that means that we may discover that like Mercury, our thinking is a bit slow, foggy and turned around.


Conjunctions in Astrology are when 2 planets meet in the same sign.

Mercury is one planet from the Sun and at some point in the Retrograde motion journey they meet up.

This conjunction at close degree is also known as Mercury Cazimi .

It shows up and marks the midpoint of the retrograde cycle.

The Cazimi energy illuminates Mercury in its backwards motion bringing with it brief moments of clarity and realizations and revelation to make it through the remainder of the cycle.


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After that vicious zig-zag trip around the city, the Big Body Benz is pulling back up to the valet desk and telling them to park it.

Yep that’s what happens when Mercury finally makes it back to the station. Oh and he wants them to back into the space, so when he pulls out again the car’s going forward.

And that’s the set up for Mercury Stations Direct, backing in to the very parking space it was in 3 weeks ago when it started this whole backwards mess.

It’s getting ready to tee up for the final phase of this Retrograde cycle. At this point, you'll know what’s off and what needs to be addressed. If you weren't paying attention or being flexible then you'll probably over a few things too!

Consider it the final reveal and the story's climax.

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Whew Chile, we’ve made it to the post-shadow period and our final Retroshade.

The planet is re-tracing its steps and will start on June 23, 2021 and end July 2, 2021.

In other words, The Big Body Benz pulls out of the space for the last time, facing forward.

But it has to pass some of the same sights it saw just a few weeks ago when it last left.

It drives down the road until it can get to new scenery.

Oddly enough it’s the lack of familiarity that lets you know you’re going in the right direction.

So it makes sense to be expect to encounter some deja vu moments as delayed impacts of the retrograde get activated in the final passover.

But this time we are actually heading in the right direction and won't be taken by surprise, so they won’t hit the same way.

This period is here to assist us with solidifying the learning we mastered during all the franticness and to fuse them into our lives.

Expect revelations in abundance, huge loads of clearness and a solid portion of contemplation to make you push ahead.


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My goal at Eighth House Wisdom is to provide you the best inspiration, guidance and personal development tools to be an enlightened soul. From Astrology to Zero Point Energy, if you’re looking for soul food and good vibes, you’ve come to the right place!

Now, what if I told you, that I've found 8 ancient retrograde secrets. There are 8 secrets to apply during retrogrades & you’ll push past survival to thriving! It's true I've been using them myself - and its like magic!

You just need to re-adjust your strategy to approaching technology, communication and scheduling to align with the current cosmic wavelength. And you can do that with these 8 secrets I’ve uncovered. And as a long time sky watcher and astrologer, I can tell you that they are like a magical game changer💫

Download this Free PDF - it shares all the secrets.

Really Simple. Start Sailing Now!

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom💙✨


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