The Sagittarius♐️​ Super Full Moon🌕 & The Only Total Lunar Eclipse​ of 2021

We will begin the eclipse season for 2021 tomorrow morning with a Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️​ at 7:14am EST and a Total Lunar Eclipse from 5:45am – 8:53am. This is also a super moon, meaning the Moon’s orbit is closest to the Earth making it appear about 14% larger and intensifying its power. I’m paying close attention to the Astro Weather because my natal moon sign and I have a Gemini♊️​Rising, so this will be a powerful transit for me.

Additionally, in this week Venus gets into a tense square with Neptune on Thursday messing with our ability to attract exactly what we want due to hazy vision or dreams that feel out of reach. Friday, brings Mercury the planet of communication and Venus the planet of what we want into the same sign of Gemini. Only to have Mercury finally station retrograde a day later, just after we were getting somewhere with speaking about what we really desire. Talk about Stellar Activity✨​ – the heavens are popping off right now – but for our highest good.

Below is a simple breakdown of it all in review…

· Pluto Retrograde

· Saturn Retrograde

· A Full Moon eclipse (aka a Blood Moon)

· Mercury Retrograde

· A New Moon eclipse

· A Saturn/Uranus tense match up (Square)

As point of guidance, eclipses are NOT occasions to sanction ceremonies for charging crystals or full-moon manifesting - its time to ground and get ready for the and appearances or whatever. Eclipses are exceptionally charged occasions of energy. It's just too much energy to try to channel and direct in the moment. It would be best to take it all in, chill & release than attempt to get something going. We humans are energetic antennas and the energy of the eclipse can overload our systems in the moment and is best engaged in the days that follow.

Sag Strawberry Full Moon 2020.png
Gemini Cold Full Moon (1).png

To that end I am including in this blog post and excerpt from my 2021 Stellar Year Blueprint as well as last year's preceding eclipses in this series, to help give more context about how to best use the power of the first of the two Spring Season Eclipses.


A year and a half eclipse series began last year on June 5, 2020 that began activating the Gemini (Curiosity) - Sagittarius (Transcendent) Axis. We can expect to see some powerful shifts dealing with the ways that we communicate (Gemini) and how we travel and seek out culture and knowledge beyond our context (Sagittarius). Can you see and feel how this energy has already been activated?

The change of the calendar year, the new presidential administration in the US and a post-COVID world will all benefit from this energetic shift. Especially after so many longstanding patriarchal systems have started being dismantled under the last 9 months of the Saturn (Rights) conjunct Jupiter (Business) major aspect of 2020.

To use the power that eclipse cycles bring to our life we must take up the challenge of speaking truth to light and having tough conversations (Sagittarius) while reserving the right to and welcoming a change of mind. This way when the final eclipse on this axis will occur on Saturday, December 4, 2021, a total solar eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius, we will have created a container to receive and take action on the truth downloads that will come through these events…

Take the time to heed the lessons brought by the eclipses and follow the intuitive wisdom and guidance or prepare for the energy to make the choice for you.

Wednesday, May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Thursday, June 10: Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Friday, November 19: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Saturday, December 4: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius



Sagittarius♐️​​ Super​​​ Full Flower Moon

Total Lunar Eclipse

Archetype: The Gypsy

9th House Lunation - Transformation

Motto: I See

​🌕 The 2nd Super Full Moon in 2021

🌕 This Is The Follow Up Resolution To The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse on 12-14-202

🌕 Explore Philosophy

🌕 Meditate and Visualize

🌕 ​Trust and Work With Intuition

🌕 Focus on Higher Learning

🌕 Prepare for Major Emotional Transition & Release

Celebrities With Moon in Sagittarius♐️​

☆ Amal Clooney☆ Sharon Stone ☆ Kelly Osbourne ☆ Kristin Davis ☆ Ellen Page ☆ Emma Watson ☆ Ashley Greene ☆ Yoko Ono ☆ Oprah Winfrey ☆ Jennifer Aniston ☆ Ellie Goulding ☆Keisha Buchanan ☆ Billie Piper ☆ Lea Seydoux ☆ Iggy Azelia ☆ Naomi Campbell ☆ Joan Rivers ☆ Ginnifer Goodwin ☆ Zoe Saldana ☆ Nicole Kidman ☆ Adele ☆ America Ferrera ☆ Katy Perry ☆ Cynthia Nixon ☆ Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ☆ Hilary Duff ☆


The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius will unblock a LOT of energy and sentiments that have been stowing away in the shadows. Come get ready with us and figure out how you can utilize this full moon power flood to welcome the Sagittarius energy of bounty into your field!

A critical point in time is going to arrive!

As the first and only lunar eclipse of 2021, the strength of this lunation is unrivaled by another Astro event happening this year. If you’ve been avoiding the real truth, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will free you from what no longer serves you.

And if there are things that have been blurring your judgment or holding you back from recalling who you truly are and what you're here to do, this is the point at which they will be lifted and reality will at long last need to come out.

The truth can be inconvenient at times, but it demands our attention. But sometimes it’s looking for it to be easy that causes use to experience the most issues and the most distress, am I right?

So we need to be prepared to relinquish an old lifestyle that you used to know - a lifestyle that may even served you for a long while - and account for a new genuine, refreshed, shimmering, aligned you to come through!

Fortunately, Sagittarius is clever, carefree, and cheerful about the truths in life being a hot-blooded, truth seeking fire sign! Rather than zeroing on the thing you're relinquishing, let’s try taking a stab at chuckling at yourself and your old convictions as they fall away? Perhaps that would allow you to zero in on the opportunity filled future that can occur thanks to the clearing of space?

Here are a few questions to pose to yourself on this Lunar Eclipse and moves to make: 📝

• "What circumstances, working strategies, considerations, or convictions are holding me back from living in alignment with my higher truth?"

• "How can I be more of the real 'me' across the entirety of the various parts of my life?"

• "What subjects or interest am I not, keen on looking into deeper? How can I make space for new learning, ideas and experiences


Make a note in your journal about the date of the primary eclipse. It's a full moon eclipse and it's occurring on May 26. Check if the specific time and date any place you are on the planet. While nothing major may occur on the day proper, being in the mindset of releasing in a big way will help with what comes.


On the actual day, or the night before when the moon is at her fullest, rundown everything in your life which overwhelms you. From that rundown, identify the greatest fear or sense of dread you have right now. Try to see where’s its origins are and acknowledge that you are probably stressing over something which won't ever occur. Try for some degree of reconciliation with this dread and realize that agonizing over it just makes it bound to show in your life, because of the law of attraction.


Despite your fears & dread, write out clearly this statement


Also, write out the truth of the situation. Reality could be that all is presently great and there's no reason to stress, or that you are taking care of any current emergency in your life, or that you have people around you who will assist you with getting whatever circumstance it is you're confronting, or that you are extremely solid and will get through whatever you are as of now managing.

The idea is to switch your POV... And afterward? Burn that List of BS!!! 🔥​ 🔥​ 🔥​

If you want to learn more about what to do during these next few weeks click the link to get a copy of my FREE Guide The Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Personal Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons for more about eclipse and retrograde season.


Mercury Retrograde - Learning How To Thrive✨​


Gemini♊️​: The Messenger🗣​