Gemini♊️​: The Messenger🗣​

☀️Gemini The Twins♊️​

⭐️​​3rd House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💨​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable

⭐️Motto: I THINK

⭐️​Archetype: The Messenger

Freedom, Play & A Double Dose of Mischief

Welcome To Gemini Season♊️​

☀️​The symbol for this dual sign is none other than the roman numeral for 2 – reflecting the identical and reflective nature that twins possess. The twins are a social force of nature, covering both sides of any issue, and using their gift of gab spread the words to all who will listen. The 3rd sign of the Zodiac is about the intellectual world and ensuring that we have all the knowledge we need to move head. This is why Gemini is known as The Messenger archetype.

♊️​​​Its glyph represents the opposing forces that make up the two minds of each Gemini that spread the news and carry a fair and balanced story far and wide. Gemini brings people together, after Aries inspiration and Taurus foundation, it brings winds that send our words far and wide. Creating daily travel, neighborhoods with neighbors, filled with brothers & sisters of blood and spirit. It is the winged messenger and connector that rides on good air 💨​

☀️ Gemini is the first mutable sign and the last one of the spring season. Mutable signs always end each season bring with them a touch of that which has past and a glimpse of that which is to come. So that our May 💐 flowers will bring the heat of June’s sun and summer on its way. It’s always a mutable sign that comes before every Solstice or Equinox in our calendar.

♊️​ This time of the first air and mutable sign encourages us to play and explore. This lines up with all the energy that surrounds us during this time. It’s time to head outdoors, soak up the rising sun, growing days and shorter nights and play. In-person chats, neighborhood block parties, harmless adult mischief are all calling our names. So use the mutable energy in play to cover all bases and relay the track work for communication, community and sibling love for the next month ahead.

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All About Gemini♊️

Know any Twins? Well then envision they're one person and you'll have a good sense of what it’s like to interact with the sign of Gemini (May 20/21 - June 21). – they are of 2 minds! Geminis can be opposing, individuals with duality and have a tendency to confuse and bewilder their companions, families and sweethearts. They love adaptability and change can be hard to pin down and flighty to make life more interesting. They don't much care for traditional schedules. Making decisions can be hard for them and they can frequently adjust their perspectives.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Gemini happened from around 6450-4300 BCE. It was when systems to compose, note and for bookkeeping were created and people were starting to become traders and merchants.

Geminis are thoughtful, tender and liberal, as long as this doesn't affect their own lives and peace of mind. They have a sharp and astute mind and love brain games, puzzles and mental challenges. They get on to groundbreaking thoughts rapidly. They have a logical side and can see the two sides to an issue.

If you’re a Gemini, you have some interesting company in your birth sign. Some of the famous Geminis include US Presidents like John F. Kennedy and Donald Trump to Hollywood & Music Stars like Marilyn Monroe, Prince and Kanye West. Oddly enough many members of the British royal family were born under the sign of Gemini and 2nd in line to the throne Prince William is one of them.

Restlessness is a major issue for Geminis and they can stumble into difficulty searching for something to occupy that active mind. In any case, they're imaginative and dynamic and need to have a release for this energy like creative tasks or fitness or sports with skill and physicality like racquetball. Since they're continually searching for new and fascinating encounters, they can and will in general revel in food or drink or night life and club-jumping. Geminis need to make sure to take on a steady speed or they could chance consuming too soon throughout everyday life.

Boredom is a big issue for Geminis and they can get into trouble looking for some excitement. But they’re very creative and active and should have outlets for all this energy like artistic projects or exercise or vigorous sports like racquetball. Because they’re always looking for new and interesting experiences, they can tend to overindulge in food or drink or night life and club-hopping. Geminis need to remember to pace themselves or they could risk burning themselves out too early in life.

Traits of The Twins♊️​

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Webster's Dictionary characterizes Mercurial as "described by fast and unusual alterability of state of mind." With Mercury as its ruling planet, there could be no better meaning of Gemini, and its quicksilver natives. Gemini incorporates the two sides of human instinct, the light and the dark, the merry and the solemn, and this duality shows up in each part of the existence of a Gemini.

Gemini can change their disposition and moods faster than most others change socks. One second, they are getting their life, turned all the way up and the following, its Resting B*itch Face and giving off stay away vibes. They’ll be disappointed with anyone who rides the fence, due to their ability to instantly know where they stand at that exact second. Even if they might be on the opposite side of that fence the following day, but that’s a discussion better left for tomorrow.

A Gemini can- - and likely does- - handle different assignments easily. They need to have two things going at once in order to engage they're very active minds. The reality is not having enough to do to keep their brain and body in the game is a unique problem for Geminis. So they have to keep the repetitive tasks and memorization to a minimum if trying to keep boredom at bay.

With their genius for communication and creative mind, Geminis are born storytellers. They have a sharp wit, comedic timing, descent judgment, and an energy for talking things through to the end. What they don't have are natural perseverance and persistence, this requires work and feels like trying to cage a bird. In the event that they're not cautious, their tendency towards mood swings and needing to be active can be their undoing.

If you want to piss off a Gemini, constrain them to a rigid and repeating daily practice. Like a confined wild creature, they won't deal with the circumstance well by any means. Gemini don't care to be tethered to the real world; they need to fly and meander and embrace new things at every possible opportunity. This is the nature of Air, freedom brings movement and a sweet breeze while stale, trapped air can carry all kinds of dangers.

When it comes to sales, marketing and a hype man you want a Gemini on your team! As the known smoothest talker of the Zodiac, Gemini could sell water to a whale or ice to Eskimos. They paint pictures with words that cause others to take action without haste – this is also part of their communication genius.

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Mercury in Retroshade, Retrograde or Direct↪️​↩️​♊️​

Like every planet in the Solar System (the Sun and Moon are luminaries), Mercury’s orbit gets a little wonky down here on Earth. This happens most frequently with Mercury due to its closeness to us and the Sun. We call this wonky motion Mercury retrograde or as I like to now refer to it the pumpkin spice latte of astrology. That's because this planet retrogrades seasonally so it shows up at least three to four times a year. With different energetic signatures for the Retroshade or shadow, Retrograde or backwards motion, and Direct or forward motion there’s a lot of ground covered.

The duality of Gemini will be showing up in the Mercury Retrograde starting on 5/29, making this one of the best examples of what this planet’s backward motion produces. You see words like Merchant & Merchandise come from the root word Mercury and this planet’s connection with movement, marketing and sales. This is because in Greek mythology Mercury was the only Greek God able to go from Mount Olympus to Earth and the Underworld.

He’s our winged Messenger & the courier with fleet feet and a silver tongue. To think about how this will play into the energetic difference of Direct and Retrograde motion consider this; traditionally Mercury Direct ruled Merchants and the backwards Retrograde motion ruled Shoplifters & Petty Thieves.

If this talk about the retrogrades has you confused about what to do, don't worry I've got you covered. These are the powerful influences will have an impact on us for the next 30 days. If you are a Gemini or just want to know more about what to expect during the next few weeks click HERE to get a FREE a copy of my Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.


The Sagittarius♐️​ Super Full Moon🌕 & The Only Total Lunar Eclipse​ of 2021


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