Values, Pleasure Seeking & The Taurus New Moon♉️​🌑​

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A new moon happens when the travel (moving) Sun and Moon are in precisely the same situation in the Zodiac (called a combination). New moons are identified with beginnings, have high energy, and are eager.

With a new moon in Taurus, we can back things off and attempt to pause and rest, and we can profit by taking as much time as necessary. We need to be sure before we make a move, and once we do push ahead, we can own it to the end regardless. We have a foundation, however we need to venture out first!

Taurus oversees our qualities and what we feel is commendable, so we can concentrate on what we enjoy, attempt to live more as our needs and values indicate, and can zero in on new qualities that reflect who we're developing into or who we need to turn into. Imbalances might be featured, and we can zero in on evolving that.

Taurus is a cash ruler, so there can be monetary advancements around this time, and we may zero in on settling on significant monetary choices or exchanges, improving our monetary methodology, or invigorating accounts somehow or another (can be useful for second positions, side gigs, and beneficial side interests).

Strength and security are additionally controlled by Taurus, so we may deal with attempting to improve the soundness and security of life as we go ahead. We might be less attracted to confusion, and more centered around how we can try to avoid panicking and be more present. Establishing can assist with soundness and security.

This new moon is sextile (positive angle, 2 signs away) transit (moving) Neptune in Pisces, and this can expand creative mind, make us more caring, and we can accomplish more to help other people. With Taurus, this might be monetarily, assisting with steadiness/security, or through our qualities.

The Lunar Wisdom Formula: May New Moon

Taurus​ New Moon ♉️🌑​ Values

Archetype: The Builder

2nd House Lunation - Personal Finance/Property/Values

Motto: I HAVE

🌙​The Moon is Exalted or in its Best Sign

🌙​Earthen, Practical & Grounded Emotional Energy In Play

🌙​Time to Start Any Personal Property, Finance, Beauty Projects

🌙​Revise Eating, Spending & Time Management Habits

🌙Jupiter’s move into Pisces will give us a touch of magic and expansion to our manifesting abilities.

🌙This New Moon is our chance to bring in more of what we value & want to build into our lives

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We also need to see note that the Sun and Moon in an Earth (physical) sign that is fixed (change resistant/manager type) brings the some of the stability we need to make the changes that are calling our name. Those calls are coming from the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon 5/26. It’s also from Saturn and Jupiter squaring the Sun and Moon — which is like a nice/nasty or sweet and sour sauce coating our environment. That square in astro-jargon says: We are not in an easy time. Good thing this Taurus energy can act as a security blanket for all as we weather the changes that come with opening the world up again and getting comfortable with being social.

Reflective Questions for The Taurus New Moon🌑​♉️​

What are my greatest cravings in life right now? How might I bring them into being in a manner that would feel the best even while I'm on the excursion of running after my objectives?"

How might I accomplish more things that cause me to feel great in my body, brain, and soul and that bring me bliss?

What is the establishment I am wanting to work next so I can encounter greater security and peacefulness later on?

Blessed Be, Wise Ones✨​


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