Yasmin Boland Moonology Manifestation Deck

Mercury has finally gone direct and we’re in the post-shadow phase now.

This means the Mercury energy will continues to work practical magic as it moves through Virgo until October 10.

This week leading up to the Full Moon was best dedicated to doing recon work, since details have a strange way of sliding through the cracks during a retrograde.

We will have also experienced some enlightening on Thursday when Mercury The Messenger trines (harmonizes) with Pluto The Transformer & Shadow Self.

And we’ll have even more reasons to hold off on making any big moves from Tuesday at 6:45 pm until Friday, October 7 at 10:40 pm EST because of what’s known as a Hellenistic Void of Course Moon.

Want to cross all your "T's"? Then you’ll need to search for the deeper reason that is pushing you to make decisions that aren't in your best interest rather than just "fixing" things on the surface.

This Saturday, as mysterious Pluto completes its annual retrograde, more mysteries come to light. It's possible that this period of introspection, which started on April 29, has provided some enlightening revelations. But take a deep breath!


A volcano shifting from "dormant" to "active" is how Pluto emerges from a retrograde. Anything lying below the surface can suddenly spring out like hot lava. Pluto rules the worlds of money, power, and sex, so before the day is out, some scandals may reach national news. And just in time for Eclipse season to take over and blow things out of the water!


Finally Sunday, October 9th, is the sole full moon of the year occurs in passionate, fiery Aries, giving you the energy to accomplish a personal objective or let your lone star shine. Dare to step into the limelight! A six-month-old project of yours might finally be finished with a lot of energy and fanfare (as it should be – Celebrate Yourself!)

The video and rest of this blog will help us to best work with the energy of the Aries Full Moon and to gain insight on why the Shadow and Shadow Work are nothing to fear!


Aries Full Moon🌕♈️ Lunar Wisdom Formula


Aries ♈️​​ Hunter Full Moon

Archetype: The Warrior

1st House Lunation - The Self, Outward Appearance

Motto: I AM


🌕 This Is A Time Of Social & Relationship Harvest

🌕 Use Your Body Sensations As A Guide

🌕 Take Initiative, Be Creative, Start Something

🌕 Prepare for Major Changes In The “Me” versus “We” Dynamic - Emphasis on “Me”

🌕 Release Intentions Set from Last 6 Months to Prosper 

🌕 Embrace Or Take Back Your Power 

🌕 Focus on Shadow & Internal Work with the first fall Full Moon & multiple retrogrades still active


Applying the Lunar Wisdom Formula

This is the first Full Moon of the Fall season that is lightly ushering us into doing shadow work before the upcoming Eclipse series starting on 10/25/22. The Fall and Winter are times of dimming light – when the shadow grows and offers us great insight into our personal development.


Anyone who is an Aries or Libra Sun, Moon or Rising will be impacted greatly by this lunation. We have also made it all the way back to the 1st Zodiac sign in the Full Moon cycle, representing yet another midway point of energetic cycles for the year.  

Use the next 2 weeks to really focus on yourself in a big way as we move from socially focused Libra♎️​ to Martian-influenced Scorpio♏️​  season. This will allow you to take this focus deep and explore your inner power - especially as Fall Eclipse Season heads in on 10/25/22.

Below are some insights on how the Hunter’s Aries Full Moon♈️​🌕 will impact your Ascendant or Rising Sign for the most accuracy.

If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can read for your Sun or Zodiac Sign.

🌟 Aries Rising: 1st house - Self-awareness, the body, your identity, personal appearance, how you view yourself, and your character

🌟 Taurus Rising: 12th House - The subconscious, hidden aspects, where and how you retreat, mental health, ways your self-sabotage, and spiritual liberation

🌟 Gemini Rising: 11th House - Friends, alliances, community, your hopes and dreams, social media, social reform, personal and professional networks, unions, philanthropy, and career & business gains, unions, mentors, and that which supports you

🌟 Cancer Rising: 10th House - Your highest calling & purpose, reputation and public face, profession, ambition, authority and interaction with the father and patriarchy

🌟 Leo Rising: 9th House - Expansion, higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine

🌟 Virgo Rising: 8th House - Community property, inheritance, other people’s money, debt & taxes, depth & shadow work, sex, birth, death and transformation, and the occult

🌟 Libra Rising: 7th house – Business and romantic partnerships, long term relationships, contract negotiation and legal issues.  

🌟 Scorpio Rising:  6th house – Body wisdom & physical health, work & service, personal development, the environment and our pets.

🌟 Sagittarius Rising: 5th house – Children, creativity, pleasure, romance, dating, sex, the arts, play and fun

🌟 Capricorn Rising:  4th house - Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation

🌟 Aquarius Rising: 3rd house – Media, communication, siblings & extended family, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, speaking and the divine feminine

🌟 Pisces Rising: 2nd house - Money, possessions, personal property, how you earn, values and self-worth

The 12 Houses & Their Mottos

Working With The Moon Cycle 🌕​🌑​

We have all been taught to fear the dark and shadow – yet it is the feminine energy force that powers all of creation. It is really, just a representation of what it means to have an internal energetic focus versus an external one. Good thing the Aries Full Moon brings along with it a little fire to light the way initially.


You will need to power of temperance during this weekend as passions burn bright and Aries energy is very “self” focused. That is in direct contrast to the solar energy in Libra on partnerships of all kinds, but that is the exact dynamic that is created when there is Full Moon – opposition!


Be on the lookout for the set-up of any issues that will visit us during the Eclipse later this month. Often things get triggered as far as 6 weeks before the event happens. This is because the energy signature of eclipses is more like 12-18 months versus the usual 2 week/6 month imprint of a regular new or full moon.  

The Beauty of The Shadows

The idea of the shadow self, which has roots in Jungian psychology.

According to Jung, a person's personality consists of both their public persona and their secret or hidden self, or shadow self. Contrary to the persona, the shadow self frequently possesses qualities that the person would prefer not to display.

The shadow, in contrast, was not seen by Jung as a demeaning or shameful aspect of a person's nature. It was crucial to his understanding of their psychology.


Blending of the persona and the shadow is the main objective of shadow work, which teaches individuals how to control urges they ordinarily suppress, such wrath or greed.

Jung also believed that the collective unconscious influences the shadow. The collective unconscious is a Jungian idea that refers to the collective memories and impulses of society as a whole. As a result, systemic issues such as racism also fit into Jung’s idea of what the shadow-self comprises.

Just as shadow work might help a person confront the parts of their personality that they usually avoid, Jung thought it might allow them to address prejudices and impulses resulting from broader social ills.

Doing Shadow Work

Even if it makes you feel uneasy or frightened, exploring the shadow self is the first step in shadow work and essentially shining brighter!

Some specific approaches to do this inner work include: 

  • Dream Analysis

  • Psychotherapy 

  • Journaling

  • Sand tray therapy

Additional Beginners tips:

  • move slowly

  • be mindful that shadow work can be difficult and upsetting

  • practice self-care and compassion when unexpected thoughts or feelings come up

  • approach your shadow self with a spirit of love, curiosity and acceptance.

If you can work with these principles, then you can begin a process of balancing yourself out by doing the necessary shadow work most of us neglect!

Under the light of this “Me” focused Full Moon you can get a great advantage and insight from looking under your own hood…so to speak.

Full Moon🌕​ Releasing Prompts 📝

Here are a few prompts to help you do some of that deep inner work while the Moon shines it’s light for all to see:

Aries♈️​​🌕​ Full Moon Releasing Prompts 📝

  • What have you been creating for yourself in this year?

  • What passions have you pursued in spite the barriers & restrictions?

  • How have you been focusing on what lights you up, fires you up, and motivates you to feel alive?⁠

  • How are you balancing your need for autonomy with the reality of our desire for connection and relationship?

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​


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