What's Your Name, What's Your Sign? - The BIG 3 In Astrology Series

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We all know that pick up line, "What's Your Name and What's Your Sign?" and we laugh when it comes up😂​. But secretly the Astrologer in me loves the question because I ALWAYS want to know the answer. But back to this blog series, every individual is different. From little quirks to greater parts of the personality, every person has his or her own unique traits. According to astrology, the stars and planets influence these traits, and the Sun Signs or Zodiac Signs in particular are great markers of personality traits. Especially when it comes to matters of love and friendship, it helps to know which astrological sign you are most compatible with. When it comes to work, career and life purpose there are planet that tell the story of what you are here to do and what you will excel at and enjoy in your livelihood. In order to figure out your compatibility or your destiny markers, you need to understand your own sign and traits first.

Because the truth is that every individual is different. From little quirks to greater parts of the personality, every person has his or her own unique traits. According to astrology, the stars and planets that you were born under give insight into these traits, and the Sun Signs or Zodiac Signs in particular are great markers of personality traits. When it comes to matters of love and friendship, it helps to know which astrological sign you are most compatible with. When it comes to finding the best career for you and understanding your life purpose, there are planets that can provide deep insights into what you came here to do that will feel natural and fulfilling. In order to figure out your compatibility or affinity in any of these areas you need to understand your own sign and traits first.

Now at this point you probably know if you are a Virgo or an Aries based on your birthday and reading your daily horoscope online or in the paper. But I cannot tell you how many people come to tell me the that they just don't know if they feel like all the descriptions that they've read. That's when I come in as an Astrologer to say “You are more than your sun sign!” and that means we need to look at your entire Astrological Chart to get the best read of you. But most folks don't have the attention span or the background to look at all 10 planets and other asteroids. Good thing is that there is what we call "The Big Three in Astrology" that make-up what you might call your astrological DNA. I call it "Your Core Astro Signature" because these major planets provide the pillars of any personality profile based based on astrology. You're a dynamic human being and your unique astro chart reflects this; no two charts in the world are the same.

Learning About Your Core Astro Signature - the Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs

The three pillars of your “big three” or Your Core Astro Signature, are your rising, sun, and moon sign placements.. Here is a quick guide to your cosmic personality.

Even though many people know their zodiac sign or read their horoscope, I'm pretty sure that's where most of their knowledge of astrology ends. However, astrology and the zodiac is so much more than just the sun sign. People not only have sun signs, they have a moon sign, a rising sign, and ones for all the other planets in our solar system. On our birthday each of these planets were in specific locations in the sky that are marked by. the 12 Zodiac signs and create a unique map of our sky at the time of our birth. That is what a Birth Chart represents.

Each one of these planets, signs and symbols plays a significant role in how people are as individuals. Good thing about this is that Astrology is a fixed system with means, once you know about the 12 Zodiac signs then you can easily apply this information to all the other planets in your Birth Chart and in our solar system. Take a look at the example below of my own Birth Chart which may look like Greek to you. You don't need to know all this because that is what an Astrologer like me is for! Yet this map of our solar system, the signs of the Zodiac and every planet in its location at our birth becomes a map of influences and timing the we can return to again and again to successfully navigate the world today. How it does that is giving us an Astro Signature involving each known planet which give us a map and life instruction manual to decode so that we can use the gift of aligning to cosmic timing given our unique make-up.

All astrological signs are grouped according to the four elements, Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The element of space where the planets live reflect life here through using the building blocks of all things on Planet Earth. Knowing your elemental make up is another window into understanding yourself, relating to others and the world around you. Because we know how these basic elements work it can be easier to understand ourselves using these well known essentials.

There are 3 signs in each of the 4 elements and there is a repeating pattern of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. In the group of Fire, we have Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. People belonging to these sun signs tend to be very passionate and creative. The Earth signs consist of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. Usually, individuals with earth signs tend to be very tender and compassionate. As for the Air group, the signs are Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. The people under air are generally intellectually well-nourished. The Water group comprises of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These are people who have immense amounts of perceptive capabilities.

These are just basics about the 12 signs but we will dig into what their combinations with each planet means and how this will give your more insight about Your Core Astrological Signature in the next posts in this series. Stars and planets have captivated the imagination of mankind since the beginning of time. If you would like to know more about your Big 3 and how it accurate it is at describing and guiding you then check out this free birth chart calculator or to my Astro Reports to help you determine yours.

In the next Big 3 In Astrology series post we will be digging into what your Sun and Moon sign and how to understand yourself and other better by knowing these 2 pillars.


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