The Mystic Magic of The New Moon🌑​ In Pisces♓️​

We are enjoying the dark side of the moon today and the last New Moon of the revolutionary astrological year that was 2020. This New Moon in Pisces♓️ which rose in the morning sky at 5:21 AM is not to be slept on at all. It creates a 4 Planet Stellium (assembly of planets) in the House of Dreams & Secrets by joining with the Sun, Venus & Neptune which are in close.

This makes it a time when Emotions are heightened, and the cycle is renewing its peak. Plant seeds during this new moon that will take shape in 2 weeks and again in 6 months with the coordinating Full Moon also known as the Harvest Moon in late Summer.

Celebrating the Last New Moon of Astrological Year 2020 ​

Pisces New Moon♓️​​🌑​ Imagination

✨​This New Moon joins the Sun, Venus and Neptune to Creates A 4 Planet Stellium In the Sensitive Sign of Pisces

✨Be Prepared For Strong Intuitive Insights ​

✨Deep Wellsprings Of Compassion Are Likely To Bubble Up

✨Best ​Moon for Psychic and “The Clairs” (Second Senses) Connections & Magic

✨​Good Time To Clear of Karma & Low Vibration Energy

✨​Avoid Denial Of Any Kind - The Only Way Out Is Through

✨​Check & Firm Up Your Boundaries To Make Them Healthy - Not A Fortress

✨​Revelations About Who Is Trustworthy May Come Now - Cut All Toxic Ties

✨​Decide Where You Will Surrender - Music & Dancing Can Help With This

✨​Keep A Dream Journal

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Focus your ritual work around clearing and cleansing and sending loving kindness and compassion to yourself and others. Pisces energy represents the end of the Zodiac cycle and is the blindspot in our birth chart. They are both wise having learned all the lessons from each previous Zodiac and naive because they live in a dreamy place similar to Neverland in their minds where they can’t see things right in front of them. So, engage the wise portion to determine what needs to go and avoid the classic compassion that may cause you to override that sensibility.

Finally, watch your sensitivity and make sure to really think before speaking and reacting. Check in with your boundaries and make sure that your circle is absent of toxic energy to be prepared for any upcoming shake ups! Make a wish for Ostara, The Spring Equinox and the beginning of Astrological New Year and Aries Season on 3/20/21! ♈️​ 🎉​​

Blessed Be, Wise Ones!


Aries♈️​: The Warrior, Spring Equinox & Astrological New Year🎉​


What's Your Name, What's Your Sign? - The BIG 3 In Astrology Series