Love By The Moon


How To Feed & Nurture the Soul of your Relationship With Lunar Astrology


How To Feed & Nurture the Soul of your Relationship With Lunar Astrology

How To Feed & Nurture the Soul of your Relationship With Lunar Astrology

What kind of relationship, union or marriage do you want to have?  When you decide to make it official, get engage and/or have a marriage or ceremony makes all the difference in the world. And of course Astrology can help your get your heart's desire.

You can’t pick your birthday but you can pick your relationship birthday! This quick and easy to read guide will help you understand the power of Lunar Astrology to pick a date to enter into relationship that matches the feel and qualities you desire. The moon is our emotions and our environment, which directly impacts the emotional personality of your relationship or marriage - in addition to the shared aspects of work, wellness, children, creativity, social circles and beliefs you all will share as a collective. 

With this digital guide you can learn about the different feels of partnerships based on their moon sign - as another extension of The Lunar Wisdom Formula to apply in your Stellar Planning process. This way you can zero in on the ideal dates to go on a first date, start an exclusive relationship, get engaged, or hold a commitment ceremony like marriage.